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Xen was deeply focused on her slumber. She was dreaming about how the two main characters from her favorite novel are fighting over her. She was flattered, no one has fought over her or liked her for the matter of fact. She was enjoying this, she wished she had popcorn. Maybe if she thought about it really hard, the sleeping Xen would subconsciously make it rain popcorn.  In her dream she was on a empty bridge, and the wind was perfectly hitting her face. It was dark with faint blue lights everywhere. At this point she was more interested in the setting than the two boys fighting. She was staring at the reflection of the moon dancing on the waves of the water. She could smell the salty aura of the beach. Suddenly, the two boys had stopped fighting. She turned around only to get a glimpse of the two boys plunging her into the cold water. Wait! What? That was a plot twist.

She jolted up from her sleep. She and her bed were drenched in water with few ice cubes lingering on her comforter. She was shaking because she was freezing.

"WHAT THE HELL!" She screamed at Jonathan, who was sitting on her nightstand looking annoyed, with a (now) empty bucket in his hand.

"It's 5:30, you are supposed to be up at 5. And I am hungry" he looked like he just had woken up himself. Still, his white hair was tousled perfectly.

"So...? You could've made something yourself" Xen felt uncomfortable, her clothing was sticking to her body and she didn't appreciate cold water touching her butt every time she moved.

"I could've, but I am not the maid" Xen just wanted to slap that smug expression of his face.

"Did you put ice cubes in the water to make it extra cold?" Xen gave him a bewildered look.

"Perhaps" he smirked, a smirked that said yes, of course I did.

"You had time to fill a bucket with water and ice, but you didn't have time to put on a shirt" it was true, he didn't wear a shirt. He wore a pair of grey sweatpants that complimented his stark skin, but he wore just that. The rest of him was exposed, you could see that each time he move his arms the muscles on his back twitched. One his hipbone he rested his hand, his right hand, his dominant hand, where he had placed the Voyance rune. Much like Xen, though she hated it at first, a permanent rune which was so easily seen. Later she realized how treasures are hidden in plain sight.

"Is it that noticeable?" He cocked his eyebrow. He knew just how noticeable it was.

Is IT ThAt NoTiCeAbLe, Xen mocked him in her mind. She knew she couldn't say it out loud, not when she wanted him to like her.

He got up from where he was leaning against the nightstand on Xen's room, and made his way to the door. She could vividly see the scars on his back, they were variations of the color brown. How badly she just wanted to go up to him and place thousand Iratze runes on his back, but it was far too late now. He promptly stopped to turn around "I will see you in the kitchen, in exactly 20 minutes"


It was exactly 20 minutes, Xen was circling the kitchen trying to figure out what she could make that was not poisonous. EGGS! how hard can they be!

She opened the fridge, then stood in front of the fridge for few minutes to feel the coolness on her face, after that she took out 2 eggs.

Everything was going smoothly, she cracked the eggs just right without little pieces of shells falling into the whites. She turned on the stove without anything combusting. She also perfectly flipped over the eggs without the yolk breaking. Now, for the seasoning. None of them where labeled, but she knew that the white one was salt, she wasn't that stupid.

Raziel's Exploit (A Jonathan Morgenstern fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now