Chapter 22: There goes my baby...To Passion.

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"Crystal I told you I'm not in the mood today" Carnell said pushing Crystal off of his lap.

Carnell couldn't get seeing Passion for the first time in months out of his mind. He just didn't feel like fucking Crystal today.

Crystal shook her head and pouted. She stood up to get her things because she was pissed. She thought it was fucked up how every time Carnell had the hunch to fuck she would run and sit on his dick,but when her pussy was throbbing he couldn't come through.

Carnell house was finished and he moved in a while ago so he was able to get his freak on as much as he wanted.

"Fuck you money. Remember that when you need what I got"

"You just need to understand I'm not feeling well,but I'll walk you out though ma"

Carnell slid on his slides and his doorbell rung.

"Who the fuck is that."

He reached over to the night stand then grabbed his .9mm. He took the safety off and walked downstairs to the door with Crystal trailing him. No one knew where he lived so it was odd he got a visitor.

He slung the door open then noticed he was stepping in something wet.

He looked down and there lied Passion's lifeless body.

"Ahhhhhh" Crystal screamed from the top of her lungs

Carnell knelt down to passion and lifted her and took her in the house and lied her on the living room couch.

He grabbed the phone a dialed 911.

"911 What's your emergency"

"I need a ambulance now. Like right now at 2940 N Corvette. My girl has been stabbed"

"Ill send and ambulance right away sir. Tell her to hang in there stay on the line sir"

Carnell was so scared. He thought that he would loose P for good.

"Aw so she yo girl now. Last time I checked you were single. Well that's what you told me."

"Man Can't you see this some serious shit. You worrying about the wrong shit at the momen. Man Bi- Crystal get the fuck on some where"

"Fine I'll leave,but when you want yo dick wet don't call me"

Carnell didn't respond he just looked back at Passion hoping that she'd pull through.

About 2 minutes later an Ambulance came bursting through his front door.

"Are you riding with her sir" The paramedic asked.

"Yes" He replied quickly

Carnell left with the Paramedics after he locked his house up.

They arrived at the hospital a couple of minutes later.

Carnell waited in the hospital Lobby impatiently.

He had already called his Parents so they were on their way.

Robert and Tiffany came flying through the hospital doors.

"Have you heard anything son" Robert said trying to calm down his frantic wife.

"Naw they took her in the operation room or where ever. I honestly don't know what is wrong with her." Carnell said. He was very much devastated.

Carnell hoped that Passion was alright

"Dam whats taking them so long? Anticipation is a bitch" Said Robert.

Tiffany had cried herself to sleep. She hadn't said one word the whole time they were at the hospital.

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