Chapter 10: Focus...

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Carnell woke up in one of his many trap houses still high from the previous night. He stayed the night there he refused to be in the house when Passion came in...If she came in last night.

Carnell was pissed no female he wanted ever rejected him. Pussy always got thrown to him.

He can't deny it Passion low-key hurt his feelings,but he would never let any one know that,but the man upstairs.

The more he thought about Passion the higher he wanted to be. He pulled the remainder of his blunt out of the ashtray that set on the card table and fired it up.

I never apologize. The minute I do her ass wanna blow a nigga off and shit. What type of shit is that. Carnell thought to himself.

He took a long pull from his now small blunt then released the smoke when Ace and Chris barged through the trap door.

"Was lil nigga's" Money said putting his blunt bud out.

"Shit living" Chris replied.

"Nigga you been here all night"Ace asked.

"Yea. I went ahead and stayed here last night. How you know I been here all night" Carnell asked

"Nigga cuz you wore those clothes yesterday." Ace said

"Nigga you better change yo clothes and wash yo ass errday. Don't get that Pack worker mentality." Chris yelled.

"Man fuck you" Money said while Ace laughed.

"Aye you seen Passion" Ace asked Money


"Was shit awkward"

"Shit I dont know how it was for her,but for me hell naw. I didn't say none to her ass" Carnell said lying

"Aw she prolly over yo ass now. She got that Pretty boy on her ass" Chris spat.

That got Carnell a little tense,but he shook it off cause in reality he was worried about her moving on with Zion,but he wasn't the one to cry over a female.

"Aw. I saw that Fuck boy. It is what it is. I'm not no hating ass nigga so I could admit that he is not broke like I thought he was,but he cant splurge on P properly. I'm just being honest."

"Somebody's a little jelly,but owell" Ace said rolling a blunt.

Carnell shook his head not wanting to argue with Ace know it all ass today.

"Man I need to talk to Passion black ass" Chris said leaning back on the couch.

"Why?" Ace asked handing Carnell the blunt.

"So she could talk to Tia about throwing the pussy my way cuz I aint fucked in bout 3 weeks,but it feels like 3 years"

Money laughed while Ace shook his head.

"Nigga you laughing I'm dead serious,and Ace why the fuck you shaking yo head just cause you a virgin and you saving yo self til marriage don't mean I gotta walk around here dry and shit. While you wearing Purity rings and shit" Chris said.

"First Nigga my grandad gave me this ring before he died.  Second you know I'm not a fucking Virgin and yo mama do to" Ace said

"What the fuck you say bout my mama nigga" Chris shot back

"Nigga you heard what I said,but Imma say it again slower. Pearl. Knows. That. I'm. Not. A. Fucking. Virgin." Ace said to Chris.

"Man Ace you taking shit to far now,but Diane was the last piece of pussy I had. Man she was tight as hell. I was bouncing from wall to wall. I was like Chris Brown in the pussy" Chris said referring to Ace's mother.

At this point Carnell was dying laughing and so was Ace he couldn't help himself.

For another hour the three guys along with other guys in the trap sat and talked shit while playing the game. Suddenly there was a loud knock on the door and all the guys put their straps in hand.

Carnell walked to the door and looked through the peep whole.

He didn't see anyone.

"Point y'all shit to the door" Carnell demanded in a slight whisper.

Carnell flung the door open and no one was there,but there was a black garbage bag on the doorstep with a white note on the side of the bag.

Carnell picked the note up.


I'm coming for yo head lil nigga.

p.s thanks for the 2g's in cash and 1g in White. :)

Carnell gave the note a perplexed look and then opened the garbage bag.

The smell was horrible ,but money didnt care.  He knew that smell anywhere it was Death.

He pulled whatever it was in the bag up.

What the fuck?.He asked himself.

It was a head and it was one of Money's workers Cam's head.

"What the fuck" Everybody yelled some throwing up.

Carnell was pissed the fuck off he wasnt Carnell anymore he was Money.

"Y'all see this shit" Money yelled

"Look at this" He said pointing to Cam's head.

"We gotta find the muthafuckas who tryna take over some shit.Foot soldiers start paying attention to shit. Y'all see some muthafucka's plotting y'all come tell me." He said dropping Cam's head then walking away.

He turned right back around.

"Clean this shit up" He yelled.

Carnell wasnt fazed by a humans head. He was a thug. A big one at that. He saw more shit than that. He had done more shit.

He was pissed about his money and his white.

"We out" Carnell said to Chris and Ace.

Carnell started driving and got lost in his thoughts.

He did the complete opposite of what Robert had told him. His father told him to watch over the empire. his father warned him it was muthafucka's that wanted what he had and him dead. Carnell was side tracked by the wrong shit.

He knew his dad was gonna be disappointed in him and probably was gonna reconsider passing the empire to him.

From that day forward he was gonna keep a focus on the shit he needed like his future drug cartel. 

He knew exactly how he was gonna do it.

Forget about Passion...

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