Insanity.(Taehyungxreaderxjimin)Part 1

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Thursday 11:00 a.m

You stood at the gate of the huge mansion infront of you. "Did I make the right choice? " you said while slowly debating the idea in your head.

You were a young psychiatrist without any experience on the field,thus wherever you applied, you were thoroughly rejected. That lasted until one night you got a call from the famous bussinessman of the city. He offered you a job that involved of you taking care of his mentally handicapped son and he placed a condition ; you'll have to stay at the mansion with him to be able to take fully care of him. The offered salary was above your expectations and you accepted the proposition on the spot. But now thinking of it infront of the gate, you started having doubts.

"Why me when he could have chosen a reknown psychiatrist? Why would he choose an inexperienced one?" but again you thought he didn't need you to help his son but to take care of him,your qualifications had nothing to do with it.

Nevermind,you desperately needed money and maybe God heard your prayers that's all.

You smiled as the gatekeeper opened the gate. He smiled back.

As you approached the grand door of the mansion, in the corner of your eye, you caught sight of someone, she seemed to be a maid jugding by her attire. She was running towards the garden; the huge garden of flowers and big cherry blossom trees. She had her hands covering her face. She seemed like she was crying.

You stopped walking, looking at her intently when you felt a hand on your shoulder.You jumped in shock as you clutched at your heart.

"Oh dear,did I scare you? I'm so sorry" a woman who seemed to be in her early forties said. She was stunning, she was dressed elegantly,her hair tied up in a shell bun. She wore a straight,figure hugging dress.

"Oh,it's okay" you said smiling.

"You are y/n l/n right" she asked.

"Yes,it's me" you said smiling from which she responded with a smile.

"Follow me dear" she said motioning for you to follow her.

"I guess my husband already told you one thing or two on what you'll be doing here didn't he?" She said leading you to the huge hall. She motioned you to sit on the couch ahead of you.

"Yes, i'll have to take care of your mentally hmm-handicapped son,jimin" you said feeling uneasy.

"It's okay dear and yes, you are right. Let me just introduce you to him quickly. Oh and I have to inform you that my husband and I are leaving for a bussiness trip,we won't be here for two months.You'll have to take care of him.Don't worry his brother Taehyung will help you. Im sorry for telling you that just now. " she stated.


Your words were cut off as a lively boy came running to the room holding a teddy bear. He looked about the same age as you. Judging by his childish behaviour and demeanor , you guessed that it was Jimin.

"Hello" you said,smiling to make him comfortable.

"Hello" he replied back smiling shyly, he had a lovely smile and he looked cute just like a child. It wouldn't be difficult to handle him you thought.

"I'm y/n"you said before offering your hand.

"My name is jiminie" he said smiling shyly before hiding his face behind his teddy.

"Go to your room,Jimin now" his mother ordered,he flinched a bit and listened to the order.

"I guess you are tired,miss y/n.Let me lead you to your room."

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