Chapter 64

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"... Someday... we'll be happy... someday, we'll be able to live a normal life like other people... I swear..."


"Iwabe-san! Iwabe-san!" Namida cried, her voice choked with grief, as she buried her face in Iwabe's chest. The boss of the mafia group lay motionless in the hospital bed, covered by blankets. Tsunade had tried to revive him for hours, but her efforts had been in vain. Now, all the members of the main group stood around his bed, tears streaming down their faces, mourning their leader's death. The other groups had moved on to different places to start their lives anew.

Tears welled up in Sumire's eyes as she sobbed uncontrollably. Tsunade's gaze remained downcast, her heart heavy as she observed the somber scene. The mafia group, seen by many as rebellious criminals, had been like a family, and this moment proved that even those deemed as criminals had hearts like anyone else.

Tsunade wrapped her arm around Kakei, helping her to her feet. "Kakei-san, you should be careful about your injury," she said gently.

"But... But..." Sumire struggled to find words through her tears.

"I'm sorry we couldn't save him," Tsunade said, her voice trembling with regret. "I never wished for this to happen. I really didn't..."

After a prolonged silence, Wasabi decided to break the ice. "So... what's going to happen to us now? We don't have a home to return to..."

All members of the mafia group cast their eyes downward, their faces devoid of hope.

Tsunade pondered for a moment, stroking her chin thoughtfully. "We'll have to make sure to give you a home, and I promise we will."

After settling everyone into their rooms, Tsunade's phone buzzed in her pocket. She quickly retrieved it and answered the call.

"It's me, Tsunade-san," a smooth, monotone voice spoke.

"It's about time you called, Neji-san! Why didn't you seek help from Gaara? Many got injured, and some even died!" Tsunade's frustration was evident in her voice.

"Oh... I'm sorry to hear this."

"Apologizing cannot bring the dead back to life."

"Tsunade-san, please listen. I won't be able to come back right now."

Tsunade tilted her head to the side, hand on her hip. "So you're leaving me to handle this alone?"

"Yes, there's something I have to do in Tokyo. Believe it or not, it's for Boruto and Hima-chan."

With those words, Neji ended the call, leaving Tsunade standing there, her face a mix of disbelief and annoyance. She ran a hand through her hair, her frown deepening. The weight of the situation had just become even heavier. She had to deal with this alone, with Boruto.

"That jerk," she muttered to herself, her frustration boiling over. She stormed into the kitchen, her hands clenched into fists. She couldn't contain the urge to punch the wall, screaming out in frustration.


Exhausted, she collapsed to her knees, unable to move any further. Her trembling eventually subsided as she calmed her breathing. She bit her lip, knowing that anger and tears wouldn't change anything. A few weeks ago, hope had been within reach, a chance for a fresh start. Little had she known that it had been right in front of her all along. Why had she played the role of the boss without taking any real action? The burden she now carried felt like an insurmountable pain.

Is this what you felt all along, Naruto? She couldn't help but wonder.


"How are you guys? Did you get there safely?" Boruto's voice brought a smile to Itachi's face as he held his cellphone. After two weeks of recovery in a Tokyo hospital, he could finally walk again, though his injuries still needed time to fully heal.

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