Chapter 48

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Third person's POV

You stared at the man in shock as his nose started to bleed.

"Great job, little baby brat! Now we're in trouble!" Sasuke scolded you, and a pang of guilt washed over you. You shot him a desperate glare as you knelt down beside the person you had accidentally punched.

"Um... sir, are you okay?!" you asked with a hint of distress in your voice, fully expecting him to berate you.

The man managed a forced smile as he stood up, holding his nose. You began to apologize profusely, your voice filled with anxiety.

"Wow, it's okay! It's okay!" he assured you, pulling out a tissue from his pocket to stop the bleeding. You weren't entirely sure if he meant it, so you asked again.


"Yeah! Please don't panic!" he tried to reassure you, standing up. Despite his calm demeanor, you couldn't shake off your frown.

I'm so stupid!

"Well, I didn't expect a punch from a sixteen-year-old kid..." he chuckled, making you pout at him.

"But I'm not a child, sir!" You attempted to sound polite, but it came out somewhat forced. The man continued to chuckle.

"I'm Officer Tatsuo."

"I'm (y/on) Yume... but you can call me (y/n), haha," you introduced yourself, forcing a laugh.

You noticed Boruto sighing, and you could imagine that if he had been punched like that, he would have shouted immediately without hesitation.

Suddenly, Sasuke grabbed you by the shoulder, shaking you. You heard him scolding you, but it felt surreal. You had just punched someone, and guilt was beginning to gnaw at you.


You snapped back to reality, feeling the collective gaze of the others. Boruto, Himawari, and Itachi looked at you with some sympathy, while the rest wore expressions of outrage.

Trying to calm yourself down, you pushed Sasuke's hand away.

"...I couldn't help it! I thought he was someone who might be after us, especially the Uzumakis! We can't trust anybody here, remember!?" You tried to keep his hands off your shoulders, but he gripped you tighter.

"It wouldn't have hurt if you'd just turned around!"

You shoved him away, feeling anger welling up. Even if he was right, he didn't have the right to scold you. Did he even understand how you felt?

"Oh うるさい! (urusai/shut up) emo!"

Inojin and Shikadai gasped, their jaws dropping. "Oh shit..."

Sasuke narrowed his eyes and gritted his teeth.

"ふざけるな! (fuzakeruna!/don't mess with me!)"

You couldn't help but chuckle, remembering how he always called you a brat. So why not throw it back at him?

"くそが! (kusogaki!/ unpleasant brat!)"

"貴様...(kisama.../ you....// in a rude way! //)" He started squeezing your arm. Ignoring the pain, you shot glares at each other.

Before Sasuke could unleash more harsh words, Itachi grabbed his wrists, pulling him away. Reluctantly, Sasuke let go of your arm.

Boruto shook his head, stepping between you two before Sasuke could break free from Itachi's grip.

"Guys, calm down!" he exclaimed, pushing Sasuke away. "We don't have time for this argument!"

You both nodded slowly, still glaring at each other furiously.

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