Chapter 33

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Third person's POV

"Weird, where are they?" Your dad glanced at the clock, noticing it was already 10 PM. The sound of the door opening made him wince, and he hurried to the entrance.

"Daaaad, we're home!" Your voice called out, and you closed the door behind you, trembling with shock and horror. Your father's eyes widened as he took in the sight of all of you covered in blood, your faces etched with shock.

"God in heaven! What happened to you?!" Your father's gaze traveled from your feet to your heads. You could tell that crafting an excuse would be nearly as challenging as witnessing Sasuke's soft side.

"Well, we all had a tiny accident," Himawari replied, her innocent big blue eyes meeting your father's gaze. He gazed at you with disbelief and then shook his head.

"A tiny accident?" He murmured, a mixture of curiosity and sternness in his tone. You gulped, uncertain of what to say. Your dad probably wasn't as gullible as Hinata.

"Yeah...?" Sarada muttered rather irritably. Your dad let out a sigh, smiling lightly.

"You all seem to be tired; I think we should calm down first." You let out a relieved sigh as your dad turned away to leave.

Before walking away, he turned his head with a troubled look. "But please, for the love of god, change your clothes."

Sasuke grumpily nodded, as did the others, except for you. You felt guilty for leaving Saki after she tried to save you. Great, now you felt bad for a person who had always bullied you.

You went with the girls to your room, offering them clothes from your wardrobe to change into. For Chocho, you provided clothes that were a bit too big for you.

"Sorry, my room is messy..." You apologized after putting on a t-shirt. Chocho looked around, shaking her head in disagreement.

"You think so?" She asked. "My room is even worse!"

Sarada elbowed her friend in response, and Himawari offered a smile as if to say, "Don't worry about it."

You smiled back, relieved that she wasn't as strict as Sasuke.

"Finally... I missed yooooou!" You let yourself fall onto your beloved bed. Himawari sat next to you, hugging the bear you had won at the amusement park.

"But guys... what about the hospital?!" You asked, worry causing you to lift your head from your bed. Sarada shrugged and then patted your back to comfort you.

"Don't worry about it. This world is far from normal, so escaping from a hospital is normal, right?" The female Uchiha joked, making you laugh heartily and nod in agreement. As far as you could remember, your life had never been normal.

Himawari rolled on your bed, moving forwards and backwards. "What should we do now?" She then asked. You shrugged.

"I should clean my room before the boys come..." You said, trying not to imagine something embarrassing.

"We're gonna help you!" Sarada declared, pulling you up from the bed. You thanked her and began cleaning your room, putting the controllers that were on the ground away and placing the manga in the right places.


"Hey, guys, what were you doing?" Sasuke asked, his head peeking into your room. Boruto and Itachi followed, curious about the activity within. They found you all engrossed in a game of Uno, with Himawari celebrating her victory.

"I won!" Himawari cheered jubilantly, while you pouted in defeat.

"I lost..." you murmured, feeling a bit down. The boys gazed at you in surprise.

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