Chapter 42

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Third person's POV


You hear loud commotion emanating from the Japanese classroom as the school day draws to a close, casting a shadow of unease over your plan to head home with Sasuke and Himawari.

"W-What's happening?" Himawari's voice trembles with fear as she looks back.

"Maybe Saki's caused trouble again," Sasuke sighs, his tone weary. Without hesitation, you dash towards the classroom to investigate.

Entering the room, your eyes widen at the unsettling scene before you.

Saki lies sprawled on the ground, her body bearing numerous painful-looking bruises on her arms and legs. In front of her stands Sarada, wearing a furious expression, wielding a chair like a weapon, poised to strike.


"SARA-NEE-SAN?!" Himawari's shock-filled cry echoes through the room.

Saki growls, struggling to stand but ultimately failing due to the pain shooting through her legs, causing her to wince.

"G-Girl, please stop!" Chocho pleads, her voice trembling as she tries to intervene.

"That girl's insane!" she exclaims, attempting to shield herself from Sarada.

"You're the one who's insane..." Sarada mutters, her disheveled black hair obscuring her face, while her eyes appear devoid of emotion.

Oh God, what has she done this time? The sight of Sarada so out of control sends shivers down your spine.

As Sarada swings the chair downward, you rush to Saki's side, shielding her from the impending blow. Gasps fill the classroom, even Sasuke's. Himawari's scream rings in your ears.


Thankfully, only your arms take the brunt of the chair's impact, as you cover your head. You exhale slowly, observing Sarada's shocked expression.

However, her shock quickly morphs into fury. She opens her eyes wide, a crazed look mixed with a tumultuous whirlwind of emotions overcoming her.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY!" she bellows. In response, you shake your head.

"No, Sarada! You need to calm down!"


"That won't solve anything!"

"(Y/N)!" Saki exhales behind you, finally releasing the breath she'd been holding. You turn your head to her, torn between wanting to hug her and allowing her to speak first. Responsibility prevails, and you wait for her words, hoping for gratitude or a sign of friendship. Regrettably, reality proves different.

"...Go away."

Your blink at her words, utterly perplexed. "What?..."

"If she's upset about her adoptive parent's death, then leave it be." Saki grumbles, sitting up with a scowl, sending a glare your way that feels like a dagger to the heart.

"And don't forget that we used to be friends, you brat! You and your mother ruined my life, so don't bother protecting me. Just get out of my sight!" Her words are a crushing blow. You only wanted to help her, to understand her pain after her life took a devastating turn.

She's right...

"You're right," you admit slowly, your voice quivering as you say the words. "I have ruined many lives, including my own."

You offer a bitter smile as you walk away from the scene, ignoring the pain in your arms. It's just so heartbreaking.

Sarada trembles with anger, drops the chair, and chases after you. Your friends, except for Boruto, follow suit.

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