Chapter 61

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As you stepped into Zac's spacious apartment, you couldn't help but be impressed by its size and cleanliness. The contrast to the chaos and destruction outside was stark, and you silently noted that Zac must be quite wealthy, being the mayor's son.

As you wandered through the halls and glanced at the pictures adorning the walls, your curiosity grew. The photographs ranged from images of flowers to picturesque landscapes, adding a touch of serenity to the surroundings.

Upon entering the living room, you couldn't hide your awe at its immaculate state, as if it had been meticulously cleaned by a perfectionist like Corporal Levi. Itachi also voiced his appreciation for the apartment's condition, and Zac acknowledged the compliment with a nod.

However, the tranquil moment was abruptly shattered when a cheerful singing voice emanated from the kitchen. The voice was unlike any you had heard from Saki before, filled with joy and exuberance. You felt a sense of unease creep over you, and you instinctively pulled your hood over your head and covered your face. Itachi did the same, apprehension filling the room.

Zac was taken aback by the unexpected turn of events. He moved closer to the kitchen, intending to inquire about Saki's presence, but she interrupted him before he could speak.

"What the fuck... are you doing here!? You're supposed to be in the Land Of Rivers!" Zac demanded as he grabbed Saki's shoulders.

Saki huffed in irritation, swatting his hands away. Her demeanor was a far cry from her usual attitude, as if she had transformed into a happier version of herself, complete with bounding energy.

"I followed you! I didn't really want to be left alone since the gates closed yesterday!" Saki retorted. She then shifted her attention to a stray cat she had apparently brought inside with her. "And by the way, honey, I found a cat, we should keep it!"

"W-What..." Zac's eyes widened as he spotted the feline in her arms. "I'm allergic to cats!"

"But it was on the streets ... I couldn't leave it alone..."

Zac facepalmed in frustration. "Do I look like I give a fuck about cats?"

Saki pouted, using her most persuasive expression. "Still, can we keep it, pwease?"

Zac begrudgingly agreed, and Saki erupted in jubilation, her excitement matching that of an anime schoolgirl. Meanwhile, you and Itachi maintained your concealed appearances, hoping to avoid drawing Saki's attention.

However, Zac's voice brought you back into the spotlight. "Um, guys?" he said, tapping you on the shoulder, a move he would soon regret.

Your actions triggered a chain of events that led to your hood being forcibly lowered, revealing your face to Saki. You both locked eyes in shock, and you felt tears welling up. Saki slowly released your hood.

Itachi, too, unveiled his face, and you both stared at Saki with apprehension. She offered you a warm smile, urging you to feel welcome.

"Everyone here is welcome! You don't have to cover your face~!" Saki chirped, attempting to reach for your hood. You reluctantly let her pull it down, revealing your face. To your surprise, her expression changed as she noticed the tears in your eyes. She hesitated, then released your hood.

Zac, who had been quietly observing the situation, started to retreat, realizing that things had taken an unexpected turn.


You moved away from Saki, still haunted by the memory of her crushing your arm. Fear gripped you, and you made it clear that you wanted her to stay away.

"Stay away from me..." you demanded, your tone filled with threat. Itachi, too, expressed his concern.


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