Chapter 63

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(yf/n)= Your father's name


"What went wrong... mommy, daddy? Why did you leave me?... why... why... why?!"

"Hey, you! What's your name?"

"... I-I..."

"Aw, Iwabe you shouldn't be like that to her!"


"We both are kids that got abandoned from our parents, just like you! How about joining us since you are alone... ?"

"... B-but..."

"Or home is not a paradise, but we would still treat you like a human being, so don't waste your chance and join us!"

"Thank you..."


"Agh..." Boruto stumbled, collapsing to his knees. He covered his right eye, wincing at the searing pain that radiated from it.

I can't see anything with it... He realized as blood dripped from his hand, which he used to cover his injured eye. In his attempt to disarm Saki, he had ended up with a deep cut on his right eye. It seemed that he had lost his vision in that eye.

"Being in pain isn't comfortable, is it, honey~?" Saki taunted, twirling gracefully like a ballerina. Her long coat billowed in the wind.

"You don't say?" Boruto retorted through gritted teeth, trying to open his injured eye. He had never expected Saki to be so powerful. If it weren't for her metal arms and legs, he might have easily defeated her.

"...So, what are you planning to do if we lose?"

"What?" Saki blinked down at him, taken aback by his question. "What am I going to do afterward?" Her voice trailed off.

Boruto was aware that Saki didn't have any real goals of her own. She was merely trying to gain her father's trust, fearing to lose him as she had lost her mother.

"Are you really on your father's side like you claim?" He broke the silence.

Saki immediately shook her head, her frustration evident. "...Shut up! What do YOU know about me! You jerk! ...It's just... it feels so good but so wrong!"

"What do you mean by 'wrong'? Are you hiding something from your father? Something about (Y/ON) and Itachi-"


Boruto closed his mouth, watching as the now-angered Saki struggled to respond.

"...Just... shut your big mouth."

"There's something you know about them..." Boruto growled. "What did you do to them?!" He stood up, wiping the blood away from his eye.

Silence hung in the air. Saki remained resolute but conflicted. She didn't know what to reveal to Boruto.

Daddy is watching us... if I tell him what happened to them... then...

"I killed them."


"I killed them with my own hands..."

Time seemed to stand still as Boruto froze in his place. His eyes fell to the ground, shadowed by the strands of his hair.

"You... killed them? ..." His voice wavered, his threat from moments ago forgotten. He couldn't believe that his old friend had taken the lives of his own brother and you. How could she do such a thing to her childhood friend?

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