Chapter 20

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Lol. Sorry little Slendies <3 the wait must of been painful. Well, the next chapter is all yours! X3

"This i-isn't right...."
"It's fine. She probably found another member."
"N-No! I doubt it! S-Slendy would have c-called!"
"Toby..... Calm down...."
"N-No not T-Toby....ITS BEE-N HALF A B-BLOODY DAY!!"
Toby gets in EJ's face and then points to Slender. "I c-can tell Slender i-is wo-rried aswell!" Toby screams. EJ watches Slender pace the room and look out the window when he neared it. EJ sighs before pushing Toby away from him. "It's fine. She's a Slender. She'll be fine....."

Toby squints his eyes and slumps into the couch. Jeff walks into the room with a burger and looks around. "Now that I think about it, where's mum?" He asks. Toby huffs and rolls onto the floor with a pout. "S-She's not here-e..." He says in a whiny tone. Jeff inhales before walking over to Slender.
"You know where she is right?"

Slender glances at Jeff for only a second before returning back to his routine. Masky walks in with Hoodie on tow and gazes around the room. "Where's Slendy. We need to talk to her."
"We. Don't. Know!" Toby growls while getting into Masky's.....mask. Masky growls quietly before pushing him away. "Hoodie and i will find her. Where was she last seen? Or said where she went last?"

Slender stops pacing and approaches Masky and Hoodie. "Last I heard was she went to get EJ some new scalpels." Toby and Jeff lift their heads to EJ and stare with dark glares.

"Y-You didn't t-tell me-e that.."
"You didn't tell us that..."

EJ sighs before putting his hands up in surrender. "Would you please stop. I'm sure she's fine." Slender raises an eyebrow and reads his thoughts. 'Oh crap. What if Slendy is in trouble because of me. She's important to everyone. Even me.... I have to stay calm and hope no one kills me...'

Slender walks to his office and closes the doors. He sits down at his desk and exhales heavily. Please be okay, my love.

Masky and Hoodie glance at each other before walking towards the front door. "Where are you going?!" Jeff yells. "T-To find S-Slendy," Hoodie answers back. Toby lifts his head before trying to run to the door but sadly, Jeff grabbed his hood. "H-Hey!"
"You're staying here. Leave it to the cheesecake duo," Jeff grumbles. Toby huffs before stomping up the stairs to Slendy's room. He opens the door and buries his face in her pillow. Come back to us mum...
Pain surged through my skull as my eyes begged to be open to rid of the pulse. A groan erupts from my throat as I force my heavy eyelids apart to be greeted with darkness. "W-What?" My voice was guff from the lack of water and my slender senses were weakened. Once the headache was gone, my sight focused onto my surroundings and I found out I was in a dark cell. I look down at my attire to see my suit ripped and dirty with my long white hair tangled.

I wobble over to the bars and look around. "Where the heck am I?" I ask myself. And take a step back before getting ready to teleport.
Nothing's happening. I see a broken mirror across the hall so I stretched my tenticle over and grabbed a shard. I used the reflection to see above my cell and groan in annoyance. The same bloody symbol that kept me in the cell at the crazy scientist place...don't tell me I'm back here...

I use the mirror to look around and I see no other cell, just mine. I gaze at the stairs in front of my cell and try to think if I really was back with the scientists. Suddenly, I hear footstep above me and I step back from the bars, listening to where they were going. There must of been a door up the stairs because I heard something jiggling. Light ascends down the stairs and a large shadow fits down the middle.

I gasp quietly and my eyes start to glow with my fangs showing through my growling lips. He walks down the stairs, stops for a second at the bottom and walks over to the bars with a large grin.
"We meet again Slender Lady~"

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