Chapter 9

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Sorry for the wait my little Slendies! Please forgive me! Anyway, enjoy this chapter! :3

Hours later
Brian's P.O.V
I open my eyes to a wall. I groan and roll over to face the other side of my room. I push myself off the bed and sway over to my window. Opening the curtains and letting fresh air in wakes me up a little. Another day with tracking down the last man. Last night, Tim said that (Y/N) said something in his mind. I thought he was a bit nervous because of the gang. But (Y/N) is mysterious. I call Tim and we agree to meet at (Y/N)'s house in a hour. "Is there something for me to do?" I ask myself.

I walk down the stairs and towards the kitchen to make breakfast....which is just a slice of cheesecake. After eating my delicious food, I decide that I'll go to (Y/N)'s house for a head start on the research. I grab my house keys and walk to the door. Let's just hope this will be easy.

When I make it to (Y/N)'s house, I knock on the door and wait for a reply. No one came to answer the door. Is she here? I grab the door nod and twist. It's locked. I head to the side of the building and look through the window. Some living room objects were on the floor. W-What the..... I call Tim.
"Hey Brian. What's up?"
"I came to (Y/N)'s house early and she's not here? I looked through some windows to see the living room a bit messed up."
"Huh? Okay. Hold on, I'll be there in a minute."
He hangs up and I walk back out the front of the house to wait for him.

Tim finally arrives and looks at me with concern. "Do you know where she went?" He asks me. I shake my head before hearing a loud *Bang!* I look towards Tim. "Did you really need to kick open the door?" I ask. "Yeah! I've always wanted to do it!" He smiles at me before walking into the house. Geez, Tim. What are we going to tell the landlord?

Tim and I enter the living room to see a bit of a mess. I start to clean when suddenly Tim gasps. "W-What is it?!" I spoke. Tim holds up the small rug that was near the back door. Half a muddy foot print has been pressed onto the fluffy fabric. "D-Do you think they took her?" I ask in fear.
"Yeah," he says glaring at the fabric. "Those bastards."
Ringing was heard from the room cross the hallway. I went to investigate since Tim was to busy having a staring contest with the floor. I enter what looks like (Y/N)'s room. I see that her phone was flashing on the night stand and I went to pick it up. On the tag, it said Kalan. (Remember chapter 6: Slender's human name) Should I answer. It would be rude not too but.... We don't need people to worry about (Y/N).... I sigh and decide to answer the call. "H-Hello?" I say nervously. There was silence on the other end before an answer came. "Who is this?" A deep voice asks. "I-I'm B-Brian. (Y-Y/N)'s friend. S-She's not here right now um...."
"Where is Sle- uh (Y/N)?"
"I-I uh I don't know......" He didn't talk for a while before he replies. "Where are you?" He demands. I shake a little at his tone before answering. "(Random address)," I quietly reply. Suddenly he hangs up. Wow, this Kalan dude sounds scaring. Wait..... IS HE COMING HERE?!

Slenderman's P.O.V
I got off the phone with a human called Brian. What happened to Slendy? I rub my eyes before standing from my desk and teleporting to my office doors. Something is not right.... Where is Slendy? I walk towards the mansion doors, ignoring all the stares I got. "Slender? Where are you going?" Trendy raises her eyebrow. "To find Slendy," I growl. Gasps were heard as I left through the mansion doors into the forest. I didn't bother thinking about changing into different clothing so I transform into my human form with a suit on. I will get to the bottom of this.

I quickly reach the place at (Random address) and storm up to the front door. Calm down Slendy. You don't need to kill this boy. I take a deep breath before knocking. I wait a moment before the door opens to a male wearing a orange hoodie. "A-Are y-you Kalan?" He asks me looking at the ground. "Yes," I say trying not to growl. He opens the door wider to let me in. I enter the kitchen to see another male. There's two. "Hello, I'm Tim. I heard you already met Brian, well not in person. Anyway, are you here to help us?" He asks me. "Yes," I grumble. I sit on the couch and start to ask questions.

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