Chapter 14

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Shout out to fullmetalgray for this chapter! Hope you enjoy my little Slendies! :3

Slendy's Crimson eyes stay locked on the enemy she had encountered many, many years ago. "I-It can't be you," she quietly mumbles. EJ and Toby looks between them with confusion written on their faces.

"Oh Slendy~ You were always the eye catcher for both the human and supernatural race~ Your beautiful white hair and red eyes excite me!~"

"What do you want?.........


Slendy sneers at his name as it rolls off her hissing tongue. Zalgo chuckles before throwing the boys towards her. "I have no interest in the family you are creating~ I'm only interested in you, my dear~"
"W-Why only h-her?!" Toby yells angrily. Slendy pushes both of the boys behind her like a cat protecting her kittens.

"Hehe, cause it's simple Toby~ Your precious Slendy has powers beyond imagination!~ Not the invisibility~ Not the mind reading~ Not immortality~ Not being able to give immortality~ Not teleporting or changing into a human~ No No No!~ She has another power, a power that is SO POWERFUL!~ That I want it~" Zalgo finishes with a cackle as his eyes gaze into Slendy's.

"I won't take it right now~ That'll be, I'll wait~"
"You stay away from me and my family if you don't want to loose your head," Slendy growls bearing her fangs. Zalgo laughs before a black mist surrounds him. "Until we meet again~ My little Slendy~"

Zalgo disappears out of sight and Slendy sits on her knees as she hugs the boys close to her. "Are you okay? Toby? EJ?"
"Yeah, but what was that about?" EJ asks looking up at her. Slendy sighs before turning into (Y/N). "He's an old enemy. He has fought with me and my sisters for centuries. In one battle, we thought he was dead. But turns out he's not," she says fixing her (H/C) hair.

Toby hugs (Y/N) while they walk back into the supermarket. "I-I'm glad that y-you're o-okay," he whispers. (Y/N) hums in response and looks around at the closing stores. "Crap, we need to pick someone fast because it's night now," she says. They look around at the people leaving and EJ suddenly tugs (Y/N)'s jacket. "How about them?" He points to three men that are slurring their ways back into the closing store.

They get stopped by security to leave so they did. (Y/N) runs after them with Toby and EJ following closely behind.
(Y/N) grabs their wrists and uses her teleportation to follow the gang.

The men walk into a hotel with the trio following. (Y/N) teleports to the first flight of stairs and let's go of Toby's and EJ's wrist. They watch the number on the elevator go up to floor 5 and quickly teleports up there. They watch the elevator doors open to show the men.

Two of the men go into one room whereas the other goes up to the rooftop. "Okay, you two will take the ones in the room. I will observe your process from the doorway. If anything were to happen that will put you near death, I'll jump in and help. Understood?" (Y/N) asks looking between the boys. They shake their heads before walking over to the door with Toby pick locking it.

Once the door is opened, they see one passed out man on the floor and one on the couch. The boys pick one and stand near their victim. EJ starts by swiftly lifting the guy's shirt and using his scalpel to quickly cut into his skin. The man groans in pain as EJ picks out his kidneys carefully. He jerks awake and hits EJ across the room screaming, causing the other to awaken.

Toby takes action and cuts his arms off with his hatchets. Toby chuckles darkly before killing his victim by cutting off his legs and head that was squirting blood out everywhere in the room. EJ dodges an attack from the still drunk man as he tackles him to the ground and stabs him repeatedly in the head. (Y/N) smiles proudly at them before clapping her hands.

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