Chapter 23 part 2

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Hey guys! Just want to say I'm sorry that I haven't updated in ages. I'm just gunna say now, I've already planned the ending of this book but I just need to figure out how I'm getting there and I've also been really really busy with personal life stuff. So that's why it's taking a really long time for me to update. I'm so sorry but thank you for staying with me. New characters will come in soon so keep a look out ;3

"The hell am I?" Jeff mumbles as he walks through a forest. "Geez... You'd think that LJ would have warned us about the bloody memories?" He grumbles walking down the dirt path. Sighing in annoyance, he comes to a dark looking house that is old and broken all around its walls.

'Another memory perhaps? The last two I've seen is just been mum and her sisters.' Jeff strides up to the mouldy door and cautiously presses his hand against it, his lidless eyes staring into the darkness when the door moved. Before he goes in, he freezes in place as he twitches at the presence behind him and quickly turns to pin the, to the floor.

"What the fucking hell Toby! You scared the shit out of me!" Jeff yells as he jumps off Toby who rubs his head. "W-What is this-s place?" Toby asks glancing around into the house. Jeff shrugs and walks in, Toby close by. "Say Toby. Have you been seeing any memories about Slendy?"

Toby walks in silence and looks away from Jeff. "Well I-I've se-een one memory. N-Nothing i-important though," Toby mumbles. Jeff raises an eyebrow but leaves it be, walking up the stairs. Striding down the left corridor, they check all the rooms and look into the one at the end which seemed to be really dark. They then turned around to see a faint light in one of the rooms at the other side of the stairs. "Do you think we should look in there?" Jeff asks. Toby shrugs but pushes the door open anyway.

Jeff and Toby gasp in shock as they see Slendy on a bed with a glowing blue light being emitted from her. Her eyes closed as her hands were placed at her sides. "M-Mum!" Toby yelps as he runs to her but is electrocuted by the light. Jumping back, Jeff stands near him and growls.

A louder growl is heard behind them and they turn to see Smile in all his glory. "What are you going here?" Smile snarls. Jeff slightly smiles at the look of the terrifying dog but it fades when he realises what he's really here for. "We're here for Slendy. So why don't you let her go?" Jeff glares.

Smile stalks around Jeff and Toby towards Slendy as he hops onto the bed, hovering over her body like a shield. "When she first met me in this dream. She wasn't scared. She treated me right. Talked to me. She's kind to me and I want her to stay.... But you fools..." Smile bears is teeth as he steps off the bed towards the boys who steps back.

"You idiots are trying to take her away from me!" He barks and lunges at them. Jeff quickly reacts and stands in front of Toby, punching Smile right in the jaw and rushing out the room. "J-Jeff! You're k-kidding right?! Y-You hit that t-thing in the face!"
"Shut up Toby! Quick! We need to run! I don't know how this is possible but we need to find a way out!" Jeff and Toby run down the hallway and burst into a room. They slam the door shut and turn to see the dark room they recently checked.

"Shit! That dog thing will tear us apart! We need a plan!"
"W-Well, if you d-didn't h-hit the d-damn dog, it w-wouldn't have b-become angrier... And technically the d-dog is a 'he'..."
"Toby shut up before I-"
"Shhhhh! H-He's at the door!" Toby whispers closely to Jeff's face.
Toby and Jeff back away quietly from the door in alert positions. They see the shadow and hear what seems to be a small cackle. "Found you boys~" Jeff and Toby flinch but when the door breaks down, they jump back further with their weapons ready.

"Now you'll pay for hitting me in the face Jeff~" he gives a sadistic grin at Toby and Jeff who start to sweat a little. Before he could pounce on the boys, tentacles wrap around him and he struggles to break free. Jeff and Toby glance up to see Slender standing there. "And what exactly are you going to do to them?" He asks in a dark voice.

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