37 | druma 3

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"I'm looking for Keith Powers Jr." Keith asked the woman as she sat behind her desk, typing on her keyboard. She looked at Keith, going back to her computer.

"Listen bitch, if you don't give me the number to my son's fucking room, so help you got it will be a fucking murder. Now where can I find Keith Powers Jr?" Keith growled the last part in her face. The woman quickly flipped through pages, giving him the room number.

"Keith, can you tell me what happened?" Y/n grabbed his arm as they entered the elevator. Y/n pressed the floor number, turning back to Keith.

Keith punched the wall, grabbing his head in anger. Y/n tried to calm him down, but that didn't do any better.

"I KNEW I SHOULD'VE KEPT HIM! SHE LAID A HAND ON MY FUCKING SON!" The elevator opened, Keith exiting. Y/n looked back at the dent in the iron, seeing people refill the elevator.

Keith quickly walked to the room number, knocking on the door. A nurse appeared in purple scrubs, looking at the two.

He pushed pass her, going over to KJ. He was on a breathing machine with gauze on certain parts of his body.

"What happened to him?"

"He suffered viscous dog bites and his ankle broke in half. He's resting right now." Keith couldn't keep it in any more. His tears began to flow as Y/n rushed over to him.

"Shh, baby, it's ok." She rubbed his back as his head fell into her lap. Y/n never seen him cry like this before, and it hurt her to see him like this.

After 3 minutes of crying, Keith cleared his tears, standing up. He went over to KJ and kissed his forehead. He made his way over to the door.

"Where are you going ?"

"Stay here. I got business to handle." Keith shut the door quietly, leaving Y/n with Keith Jr. She walked over to the baby. Her heart stopped when she seen how many open cuts he had. Keith Jr. was only 6 months.

"It'll be ok, baby. I love you." At those words, KJ's machine line raised, meaning he was breathing 95% properly. She took a seat next to the bed, rubbing his palm, wondering when Keith went.

Keith's speed increased as he turned into the driveway. He quickly got out, running to the front door. Her car wasn't there, but he still broke the door open.

"HEATHER WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!" He heard noises in the back room. He ran to the back, seeing she was packing a bag.

"Keith I'm-" His body flew towards her, making them both fall to the ground. Keith sent a punch to her face, a bruise appearing. His hands were balled up as he swung his hardest. He didn't care about Heather, but he would never see himself putting his hands on a woman.

"You hurt my fuckin son!" He began to strangle her, her breathe cutting short. Her face began turning purple, her legs kicking all over.

"K-k-kei!" Her knee was placed between Keith's legs.

"Fuck!" He fell to the ground, grabbing his penis. Heather took the chance to run, leaving the trailer and property completely. Keith collected his breathe, getting up from the floor.

"When I find you, I'm killing that bitch." He got back into his car, speeding back to the hospital. He made sure to wipe the blood off his fists and sweat off his forehead.

"Where were you?" Keith walked into the room, his eyes landing on KJ. He took a seat next to her, holding her waist.

"I went back home to get him some clothes." Keith's eyes never went on her. He just watched KJ's chest go up and down as if it was a movie.

"You didn't do anything crazy did you?"


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