2 | Proud Mary

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Hearing the alarm come from the side of her head, Y/n woke up in a jiffy, going straight for the bathroom. Being the lazy person she is, she would just hold her pee, letting loose when she wakes up. Wiping herself clean, the tissue was now covered in blood clots.

"Oh god!" The girl groaned on the toilet, praying the first day would be clearer. Her monthly came 2 weeks early and that wasn't usual. Must be summer coming around. Jumping into the shower, Y/n took a hot shower, wrapping a towel around her wet body, going to the room.

Getting ready for the day, she made sure to wear her utility jacket, in case she had an accident throughout the day. Grabbing her keys, the girl stomped out the house, feeling the humidity outside.

"Fuck." The heat had Y/n feeling sick and dirty again. As her bottom hit the hot seat, Y/n rushed her way to school, getting scold by the seatbelt buckle.

Pulling into the parking lot, the teenage girl got out, slamming her door. Her car wasn't shitty, but her mood definitely was. Ignoring the heys and goodmormings students and teachers gave her, Y/n was finally by her locker, fetching her chemistry books.


Arriving in Chemistry block, Y/n took a seat all the way to the back, dodging unwanted conversations. She had already told her teacher what the problem was so he wouldn't call on her.

"You can sit over there. I'm sure Y/n wouldn't mind." Her head raised after hearing her name before the sentence finished. There stood a dark boy, hair cut into the lowest fade possible. His nose was funny, but cute at the same time.

Smiling before the boy took a seat, he faced, turning her way.

"I'm Woody." His long fingers stood together, waiting for her to shake them.

"Y/n. Nice to meet you Woody, welcome to Welden High. I'm sure you'll love it." The boy eyed her actions down, smelling the leftover iron on her hand. Waiting for her palms to stop flipping pages, his eyes landed on the steam mark on her inside knuckles.

"You burned yourself, love?"

"Yeah, my hot ass seatbelt. Stupid heat." His lips turned into a smile at the frustrated girl. Looking at her hips, his mind began frizzing.

'Shit, she's full of blood!' His mind raced at his mental vision, throwing his hand in his palms. He began getting nervous, his forehead sweating bullets. In all his assignments, he never smelt a blood like Y/n's.

"Are you ok, Mr. McClain?" He nodded, raising his hand.

"May I be excused. I have a bad stomach right now." The man nodded, giving him permission to leave the room. Exiting, the boy pulled out his phone, texting one of his partners.

'I found the one. She's majestic and her blood is pure.'

Bro🎈: what do you mean? We sent you on a certain mission. Bring back the girl we want.'

'Just let me in on this one. Her monthly's on and she's frustrated. I think she needs a bite to the neck Keith.'

Bro🎈: Alright, but have her over here by the time we leave this place. If Brook finds out about this extra, he'll kill us all.'

'Vampires can't die but I know what I'm doing. Trust me.' The conversation ended, Woody going into the bathroom. His eyes were bloodshot red before, but they've calmed down. Seeing the regular brown color, the boy made his way back to class, kissing his amulet.

Taking a seat back by the girl, her eyes traveled down his face.

"What was that about, Woody? First day, and you're tripping."

"Stomach flu. I get sick easily."

"I get wounded easily. It's ok, Woody." The girl pat his back, going back to doing her lesson. Looking at her stomach, he could hear her enzymes calming down.

'Don't let it be the end.' Woody began to think about the girl next to him.

This was ehh or whatever, but school's tomorrow. Gn❤

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