Chapter 43: another member

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"Jen, Jen are you ok?"
He quickly began observing her, twisting and turning her to see if she's got anything abnormal.

"Tae I'm Fine, calm down".

"Yes she Uh..had collapsed due to stress", the doctor announced.

He sighed in relief before hugging her tightly.

"You freaked the hell out of me. Do you know how worried I was? You definitely need good rest now and I'll make sure you do".

"What do you mean?"
She asked breaking the hug.

"I'll be the one taking care of you now. I'll make sure you eat on time and that you don't get stress at all".


"You may take your leave".
The doctor went back in leaving Jennie and Tae exiting the hospital.

"What's that in your hand?"
He asked approaching the car and opening his door.

Nervousness fussed on her face.

"'s the medicines...S-sleeping pills".


Jennie's pov

It's been almost 1 week and I have been keeping my secret away from Taehyung. The problem was he stayed home and took care of me rather than going to work.

Luckily he had to go for a meeting today, giving me a great opportunity to go to the hospital. The doctor asked me to stop by and collect some information about pregnancy and things to eat etc.

She sat in front of me and soon after we were done. She handed me a pregnancy booklet, which i had to accept. How am I suppose to hide this? The medicines were quite troublesome itself.

Ugh...great another burden.

After we were done, I exited the hospital, turning towards the right street and walking back to Tae's house. It's really not that far. Plus it'll be a good workout too.

I turned towards another street and started walking. The bright sunny day and the hot weather set me in a good mood. The breeze tickling my cheeks and I was pretty much enjoying it if it wasn't for that car horn.

My head tilted slightly, seeing a black Mercedes from the corner of my eye.

"Is that Tae's car?"

I turned back to find Tae walking out from the drivers seat. Freshly dressed in a plain white t-shirt, black ripped jeans and his black cap.

"What are you doing here?" He questioned.

Shit what do I say?

"Uh..t-the Doctor told me to stop by so she could give me some more supplies of medicine". That's believable right?

"Ok...well i don't see it".

Guess it was a bad idea after all.

"Well..I told her that I have enough and that she shouldn't worry because I got a good care taker, looking after me". Hopefully my grin saves me.

He smiled and got diverted.

"Of course because you're getting cured by me", he let out a slight chuckle.

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