I snuck upstairs because I didn't see her downstairs, I went in our bedroom fist but she wasn't there, so I went to her office because i seen a little crack in the doorway.

I peeked in the room and saw her typing something, I wanted to see what she was typing so I tiptoed behind her and looked over her head.

After she got done typing I acting like I didn't read her whole journal thing, I just went by the door like I was just coming in.

Jimin: hey baby, whatcha doing?

I asked a little nervous thinking she knew I was in there the whole time.

Billie: ah....nothing.

She answer kinda nervous too, well yea she would because she practically kissed another guy while I was out.

Jimin: oh Ok.....well how was your morning?

Billie: it was good......jungkook came over and helped me clean the house.

Jimin: oh that's why he was over?

Billie: ya, but how do you know he was over?

Jimin: I saw him hen I was walking up to come in the house.

She looked down kinda guilty,I bet its because of that kiss. I walked out and went to our room bathroom for a shower.
Billie POV.

Whoo, that was so close,jimin would've knew I kissed jungkook if he would've seen my journal. I was so relieved after he left.

My face couldn't wait til he left so it can go all red from embarrassment , about all the questions ab

out jungkook that jimin kept asking me.

I went to our room and went to the closet to find something else to wear since its pretty hot in the house.

After I got done changing I put the clothes I had on in the dirty clothes bin since I want the house to stay clean.

After I put my clothes in the bin the bathroom door opened revealing a sexy jimin with just a towel around his waist with wet hair

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After I put my clothes in the bin the bathroom door opened revealing a sexy jimin with just a towel around his waist with wet hair.

He looked at me then smirked devilish, he walked towards me and wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me closer to his chest, I wrapped my hands around his neck,we was so close to each other that we can feel each other breath on our faces. He leaned in and we kissed so passionately, minutes later it turned hot and we was on the bed gripping each other and still kissing at the same time. We kept switching positions, like one moment he was on top of me or I was on top of him and we was even leaning on our sides kissing.

I paused the kiss for a minute because when me and jimin was making out just now, I accidentally thought about jungkook kissing me earlier.

Jimin looked confused and looked at me .

Jimin: something wrong baby?

Billie: jimin, you don't deserve me. I did something terrible again today.


Jimin POV.

When she said that I started thinking that she had sex with jungkook again and made twins.

Jimin: cmon, tell me. I'm pretty sure its nothing to bad.

Its awful just awful

Billie: jimin, while you were doing your morning routine, me and jungkook cleaned the house.

Jimin: i know , but what's so wrong about that?

Billie: no jimin, we did something more. Like we started making out when we was done.


Sorry for not updating.

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