Chapter 16

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      The man led Luke and me into Luke's office. This was where Luke took his calls, had meetings with sponsors, and discussed important topics with important people. As to what important topics, I'm not sure. Whenever I asked Luke, he either ignored me or changed the subject. I was almost ten. I could handle whatever he had to tell me. Besides, if it had anything to do with Kronos, I had the right to know. After all, I am his daughter. 

          Luke sat on the spinning office chair behind his desk, while the mad sat in the cozy armchair facing him. Unsure of what to do, I stood awkwardly in the corner, waiting for instructions. Luke gestured to pull up the other armchair and sit next to him.

          "What would you like to discuss with me this time, McConnel," Luke said, exasperated. It was clear that they had met numerous times before, and that Luke dreaded these meetings. I could see why. McConnel looked too buisness-like in his navy three-piece suit, black briefcase, red tie, black loafers, and closely-cropped hair. He absorbed all the fun in the room.

          "We have another company that would like to sponsor your...project. But..."

          "But what? We already have the scarcoughagus, and our plan is going at twice the rate we had expected. New demigods are joining every day, so long as we get find the before the satyrs do."

          "They want you to get a titan on your side. Stealing the Golden Fleece didn't work out for you, and after your scheme with that Percy kid the gods are starting to take notice. The plan will go smoother if we have some bigger sponsors. Also, it wouldn't hurt if you became invincible sooner. Now that more epeople will be trying to kill you, that wouldn't hurt. And your body will disintegrate during the transformation if you don't."

            Luke sighed. "I guess so. But do we really have to rush the invincibility? I'd rather just stay myself for a little bit longer." So far, this conversation wasn't making any sense. What project? What scarcoughagus? Who was McConnel? What is a satyr? What is the Golden Fleece? Who's "that Percy kid," and why is he such a big deal? What transformation, and why does Luke need to be invincible for it? To be honest, the only word I understood from all of that was "titan." 

          "When you signed the contract, you said you were completely invested in this, and would do whatever it takes, did you not?" McConnel was clearly getting ticked, adn he didn't sound happy.

          After McConnel left the room, I stood up. My questions brimmed at the tip of my tongue. The most eager one spilled out of my mouth: "What are you transforming into?"

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