It was now my turn for the death glare. I simply rolled my eyes before turning my attention back to everyone else. Time for a little tough love.

"Don't look at me like that Vitaly, You've been slipping. You're not the man I've heard stories about anymore. You've let your feelings for me crowd your judgment and stop you from being the man you were. I don't want to be the cause of that. You need to get your shit together-"

He was seething now, his face had visibly become red and his grip on my waist tightened to an almost painful grip. But I wasn't done yet.

"The man made a comment about your sister and you said nothing, he wants to destroy this place. The empire you have built. He wants to take everything from you and all you are worried about is me?"

I pried his hands off my waist quickly standing up and making my way to the middle of the room. But as expected Vitaly wasn't far behind. He stood up from his chair gripping his desk and leaning over it with his head down. His voice a deadly calm.

"What would you have me do Scar? Do you want to die? Is that it? Is that why you ran off to Giovanni's the second my back was turned? Huh?-"

His voice was now booming through the room. Even in a room full of people I felt like it was just him and I. He made his way around the desk standing so close to me I could feel his warm breath fanning my face.

"Ya know what I think Scar? I think you are too calm about all of this, did you make some kind of deal with him? Hmm is that it? Did he promise you money? Power? Which is it?"

To say I was fuming was an understatement. Sure I damaged his pride a bit but really? Did he really think that? Did he hold no trust for me after all?

Our eyes were locked on each other's, neither one of us was willing to look away. To show even the slightest form of weakness. I didn't even notice when Alekzander and Nikita made their way over to us and were slowly pushing us apart.

I laughed. I couldn't help it was he out of his mind. To think I would want anything to do with him? Did he not see the condition I came back here in?

"You pathetic excuse for a man. Do you really believe the shit that comes out of your mouth or are you just spouting out shit to make yourself feel better because you know I'm right? But don't worry you don't have to worry about me anymore because I'm done. I'm so done and at this point I hope he does get his hands on me because that would mean I am that much further from you."

I didn't give him a chance to reply I stormed out of the room with Nikita hot on my tail. Sounds of loud cursing and objects being thrown could be heard from the office but I didn't care. I was done, and I was leaving wether he liked it or not.

"Scar...Scar please wait. Don't go, Vitaly won't make it without you. You have changed him."

The pleading look in her eyes hurt it really did. But I couldn't stay here I just couldn't do it. I wrapped my arms around her in a tight hug without saying a word.

She knew, she simply nodded her head and hugged me once again. "Before you go follow me."

I followed Nikita up the stairs and to her room. I watched as she went into her closet
Moving the hanging clothes to the side was a safe built into the wall. She quickly punched in a few numbers before opening it up.

She motioned for me to come over handing me a gun along with a set of keys, my truck keys, a small flip phone. And a envelope filled with money.

"You're truck is parked in the garage, it's been here since Vitaly brought you here he just didn't want you to know and try and escape-"

I scoffed and rolled my eyes looking at the keys in my hand. Of course he did.

"There's two thousand dollars in there until you get on your feet. That's one of my burner phones it can't be traced and all the numbers for us are in there. Vitaly bought the house you were renting so if you choose to go there I wanted you to know. The gun is for...well obvious reasons."

I embraced her in another bone crushing hug. I was going to miss her but I had to get out of here before Evie and Carmen noticed.

"Please take care of Evie and Carmen. I don't want Evie feeling like she needs to come with me. She can't take care of herself like I can."

My eyes were starting to sting from holding back tears I didn't want to fall.

"What about Gator? Scar I can keep him here until you have settled. Once you find yourself a place I will bring him to you. Vitaly doesn't even have to know."

I could only nod my head. This was harder than I thought. We quickly made our way to my room and pack all of my things in the bags I had originally come here with. Nikita helped me get to the garage without anyone noticing.

Jumping up in my truck felt so good, god I forgot how much I missed this thing. I ran my hands gingerly over the steering wheel taking in a deep breath.

"Okay, the guards are going to open the gate. It took some threatening and a kick to the nuts but it's done now you need to hurry before he changes his mind."

I nodded my head we shared a look of understanding before I started up my truck the sound of the engine roaring to life made me feel a bit...nervous.

I pulled out of the gates like she had promised with no issues. The one guard still doubled over in pain while the other simply gave me a curt nod.

This was it, driving down the road felt surreal. No more Evie and gator, no more Carmen, no more Volkov's it was just me now. The worst part?

He didn't even bother to try and stop me.

Ahhhh I'm back! 😊 so it's been awhile I know but I had some writers block and now that it's gone I feel like I can write again.

What did you guys think about Scar leaving?

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