30. Telling Clark & Eliza

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The DEO - Kara's POV

I was with Barry, J'onn, Winn, and James. We were waiting on Eliza and Kal-El to arrive. We decided that if I wasn't going to tell Alex, I had to tell Kal-El and Eliza. 

I was pacing back and forth in front of the computer area Winn and James were sitting at. J'onn and Barry stood off to the side and watched me pace.

All of a sudden, the glass doors slid open and Kal-El came flying in with Eliza in his arms. I stopped pacing and Barry came to stand next to me. 

"Hey, baby cousin." Kal-El said walking up to hug me. 

"Technically, I'm older." I said as I hugged him back. He laughed as he stepped back to shake Barry's hand. That's when Eliza came up to hug me. 

"Thank you guys for coming on such short notice." Barry said, as he stuck out his hand to shake Kal-el's. 

"Yeah, what was so important anyways?" Eliza asked. 

I looked to Barry who nodded. I faced my two family members again. 

"A couple days ago, Barry accidentally ran to the future." I started slowly. Eliza and Kal-el had a look of worry on their faces. "He saw a speedster, his name's Savitar, and himself, and....me." 

Kal-el folded his arms across his chest. 

"And he saw me...die." I finished and I saw Eliza's face go pale. J'onn moved to get her a chair, which she sat in, trying to catch her breath. Kal-el just stood there, frozen on the spot. 

"Well, n-no. I mean, no-no! There's no way... It's a mistake. No." Kal-el stuttered. I looked down. 

"How...? Why...? Why didn't you tell us sooner?" Eliza said slowly, still trying to process the information. 

"We didn't want you to worry." I said softly. 

"Does Alex...?" Eliza started but then stopped once she saw me look away. "Kara, you have to tell her. She deserves to know."

"If I tell her, then I'm going to be spending the next couple months in a cell with maximum security never getting out." 

"I might just do that." Kal-el spoke up. "Kara, I'm not just going to sit around and watch you die like..." Kal-el's eyes shot to Barry and next thing we knew Kal-el had him pinned against the wall. "Why the hell aren't you doing something? You just going to watch her die? I thought you loved he-" 

"I do love her!" Barry yelled, interrupting him. "That's why for the past few weeks, I have been doing everything in my power to stop this from happening." 

I walked over and made Kal-el let Barry go.

"Stop. Alright? It's not Barry's fault or anyone else's. Everyone is doing everything they can. You just have to give it time." I said calmly, even though I was terrified on the inside. 

"How much time?" Eliza asked. 

"Four months." Barry said simply. 

"Four mon- Kara, that's not nearly enough time to stop this." Kal-el said. 

"Well , we have to try. Because if we don't try then she won't live." Barry told Kal. 

"So when do we start?" Kal-el asked after a minute. 

"What do you mean?" J'onn asked from beside me. 

"When do we start trying to change the future?" Eliza finished for Kal. 

Barry nodded. "Now."

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