01. Strangers

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Central City - Barry's POV

My name is Barry Allen, and I am the fastest man alive. To the outside world, I am an ordinary forensic scientist. But secretly, with the help of my friends at STAR Labs, I use my speed to fight crime and find others like me. I am The Flash. 

Eddie and Iris decided to go out tonight. They invited me and I brought Caitlin and Cisco. Iris and Eddie chose a bar. I was sitting at the bar, watching Iris and Eddie play darts. Cisco and Caitlin were off sitting at a table by Eddie and Iris waiting for their turn to play. 

As Eddie took his turn, Iris walked over to me. 

"I'm glad you invited Caitlin and Cisco." Iris said happily. 

"They're cool, right?" I asked her.

"They saved your life, Barry. That makes them the coolest people I've ever met. It's nice you guys became friends." As Iris continued to talk, I looked over her shoulder. I saw something that interested me. Or someone.

A beautiful blonde was sitting at a booth with a brunette women. As soon as I had seen her, I couldn't stop staring at her. She was so beautiful. I had learned to put aside my feelings for Iris once her and Eddie had gotten serious. But as I looked at this stranger, Iris never crossed my mind. 

Iris went back to her game of darts and after a couple minutes, the blonde stood up and walked toward the bar, right beside me. 

"Hey," she said to the bartender. "Can you close my sister's tab?" I assumed the other women she was sitting with was her sister. 

"Sure thing." The bartender responded, typing something onto the computer behind the counter. After he finished typing, he pulled out his notepad and wrote down a number. "In case you ever want to hangout." He said with a wink.

The bartender was called over to another table. The girl rolled her eyes and tore up the paper. I chuckled low so she couldn't hear. 

"How often does that happen?" I asked her. She looked at me and laughed.

"Too often. I'm Kara Danvers." She held out her hand, and I took it. 

"Barry Allen. Are you new here?" She went to answer, but was interrupted when Cisco walked over. 

"Hey Barr. Iris and Eddie are-" Cisco stopped once he saw Kara. "Hi, I'm Cisco." I rolled my eyes, realizing he was trying to flirt.

Kara chuckled. "I'm Kara." Cisco starred at Kara for a moment, making it awkward. I cleared my throat and Cisco looked at me. 

"Um....right. Iris and Eddie are heading out and Caitlin's my ride but we can't abandon you here." He said, implying he was ready to leave.

"Yeah. Alright." I stood up. "Well, I guess I'll see you around." I went to leave but Kara grabbed my arm, stopping me. She reached behind the counter and took an extra notepad the kept back there. She wrote down a number and address. 

"Guess I'll see you around." She said winking at me, then headed back to her sister. I took the paper and smiled. I had completely forgot Cisco was there until he patted me on the back, making me jump.

"Barry Allen, the CSI, picked up a girl at a bar! That's my best-friend. Mm-hmm. I'm so proud of you. First night out and you pick up a girl." Cisco continued to praise me to the car,  inside the car, and until he went inside his house. 

Caitlin dropped me off at home. I thanked her and she left. I got ready for bed and laid down, staring at the ceiling. And the last thought that crossed my mind was Kara Danvers, the beautiful blonde who I would never forget. 

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