Forty Two

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Andro was sitting in meeting that was making him want to tear his hair out from sheer boredom.

He knew he hadn't been on top form lately but he really couldn't be asked to concentrate on anything; not since Lexi's betrayal with that son of a bitch prince of hers.

Their romance had been plastered all over the news - not that he spent his time looking for it of course - but it seemed that Lexi had truly gotten over her time with him if she was going around kissing Sheikhs.

Andro couldn't believe how she had made him believe she was a different type of woman but she'd gone from him to the leader of an Arab nation in just over a month!

It didn't matter that he had been sleeping with everything that moved since he'd walked out on her; Lexi should have known better.

As his anger at her disloyalty threatened to swallow him completely, Andro raised his hand and brought one of the board members who was speaking to a halt.

"Excuse me Mr Jenkins but I'll have to stop you there. I won't be able to continue with the meeting; my sister Luisa can fill me in later."

Luisa turned wide eyes at me as he skirted around her and headed out of the office with a dozen pair of eyes on his back.

He hadn't made it out of the room and down the large hallways very far when he heard Luisa called out his name;

"Leandro wait!" she appeared in front of him looking bemused,

"What the hell are you doing?"

"Getting some air,"

"Air? What the hell do you mean!" she snapped at him and only as her voice echoed down the hall and people looked that she recomposed herself. Lusia looked around the glass offices and pulled her brother into one of them before slamming the door shut and bring the blinds down.

"What the hell is going on with you?" she screamed at him.

"Luisa, you're not my boss okay so quit right now. this is my company..."

"Its our company Leandro; our family company and you're running it into the ground!"

"Don't exaggerate!"

"I'm not exaggerating; the board already want to get rid of you!"

Leandro turned to her slowly in disbelief,


"Yes, they've been talking about it for weeks now saying you're not fit to run the group."

"What did you say?"

"I said you were going through some things but you would be back to normal in no time but that stunt just now is looking to prove me wrong!"

Leandro was immediately ashamed, even he knew he should be.

"They cant want me out,"

"They can and they do! It's only a matter of time before mama and papa hear about this if they haven't already but due to some loyalty to you; they haven't said anything!" Luisa was clearly livid and barely containing it.

"I just need time LuLu,"

"You don't have any more time Andro, it's been nearly two months! Enough is enough!"

"Are you that much of a bitch you can't see that I'm not in the best place to deal with this right now?"

"I don't have to be a bitch to see that you're sulking. Lexi hurt you, I get it; we all get it Andro but that doesn't give you the right to neglect everything else that is going on around you especially when it affects our family and our companies!" Luisa's neck was straining as she yelled. "We gave you time and we gave you space in Brazil but this is taking it too far! Walking out of meetings; not getting back to clients; losing money, are you insane?"

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