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Andro watched with appreciative eyes as Lexi walked around the Vargas Villa gardens and admired the grounds. The garden were a wonderful addition to the home and always kept in pristine condition because of the emotional value it held for his father. His grandmother who he had never met had loved the garden and his father had loved her so much that he treasured it as he had done her.

He and Lexi had walked the extensive grounds of the villa and were now ending back into the house. They walked together with Lexi 'ooing' and 'aahing' and certain things as he explained their history.

He was explaining about a 15th century chaise lounge that was in the hall when Lexi stopped outside a large walkway.

"There's no door on this room," Lexi said curiously and Andro nodded.

"It was locked up for years but my mother had my father open it up for the world to see our family."

Lexi smiled warmly and poked her head through the doorway with no door.

"You can go in."

"May I?" she said with wide eyes as she looked back at him. Andro loved the curiosity in her eyes; as though everything she saw or touched was brand new.

"I said you could," Lexi smiled at him and stepped into the large room with Andro close behind.

The family room was a large room of assorted chairs and bookshelves and an antique desk in one corner. Ultimately it resembled a library but it house the mementos of the Vargas family on various side tables and coffee tables, a little like a museum.

What made the room special however were the four large portraits that hung on each wall of the room.

"Who is she?" Lexi breathed as she placed her hand to her chest and looked up at the portrait on the far back wall.

"My grandmother," Andro said with a small smile. "She died when my father was young but he always told us a lot about her. My father's immediate family are all gone but he made sure we knew who they were and what they meant to him." Lexi nodded in understanding,

"She was beautiful...who's this?"

She was facing the right hand wall now and a smile erupted onto Andro's face as he took a step to stand beside her.

"That, is my mother...Leia."

Once she'd looked at the final two portraits of himself with his parents and sisters and then on of his Great-Grandfather Afonso, Lexi turned away from him.

"Your mother is very beautiful." Andro turned at the sadness in Lexi's voice and saw a look of deep sorrow on her face.

It was the first time he had ever seen her like this and it was worrying.

Despite being a little reserved when they spoke - which of course they had agreed to do - Lexi seemed quite happy. Always with a smile on her face and eager to listen to the stories he offered to tell her.

"Lexi what's wrong?"

"I...I never knew my mother, not really. She died when I was so father never remarried."

"Do you wish he had?"

"Maybe if I had had someone to show me how to be to do what's expected of me; it wouldn't be so terrifying now."

Andro had the sense not to ask what it was she was expected to do. Looking at her now, he never realised how lucky he was to have a mother like Leia Vargas who had always been there for him. While his sisters had his father wrapped around their finger, Leandro had always been the apple of his mother's eye. He never realised how much he took that for granted until now.

Andro reached out to Lexi and turned her in his direction, his hands resting on her smooth arms that were exposed in the white fitted dress she wore. It was rather conservative considering where they were and Andro vowed then and there to loosen her up a bit.

"You don't have to be afraid. Just us remember?" Lexi looked up at him, her blue eyes large and wondering and almost...thankful.

Looking down at her, so vulnerable and petite; Andro couldn't help but lower his head to kiss her.

He had been thinking about doing so in the hours since breakfast and when his lips finally connected with hers for the second time, he was amazed at how it instantly made him feel. Her lips were supple and warm a lot like he fantasised her other set of lips would be...

Lexi moaned as she stepped into him and pressed her pert breasts into the solid wall of his chest. His hands lowered from her arms until he had reached around and grabbed her full behind and wide hips. As he explored her, he realised how curvy she was under the conservative garments she wore around him. Andro moved pulled away to suck on her bottom lip before kissing the side of her mouth and down her neck and up again in the space behind her ears,

"I need to get you out of these clothes," he murmured. Lexi went stiff and instantly pulled away from him,


"Don't worry, I only meant into some more convenient clothes."

"W-what?" she said again making Andro laughed. He kissed her open mouth and tapped her nose,

"Surely you're not comfortable in these boring things. I mean, you look lovely Lexi but it's not the best attire for the Brazilian weather.

"I-I suppose not," she agreed shyly. "Its all I have with me."

"Then we need to get you some new things don't we." Andro said matter of factly and took her hand.

"W-where are we going?" Lexi asked as they exited the family room and Andro led them through the kitchen into the large garage.

"Shopping," Andro said with a smile and kissed her again.


The ride into town was a long one considering how high up in the hills Vargas Villa was. They'd taken a white convertible that Andro said belonged to his father and headed straight down into the main boutique area.

Andro parked the car and helped her out of the passenger side once he got out himself,

"Andro...I don't think I brought enough money with me for these kind of stores."

Andro looked at her from above the rim of his sunglasses,

"Are you being funny?"

"N-no. I really don't think I couldn't afford a lot in here."

"Lexi, this is a gift. Stop worrying!" Andro said with a laugh and pulled her in the direction of the stores where well-dressed men and women were going about their day. Andro fit in amongst them perfectly in his white linen trousers and shirt and tan boat shoes. His designer shades sat beautifully on his face making him easily the best looking man on the street. In comparison, she felt hideous.

"You've already done enough Andro!" Andro turned to her and pulled her into his arms before kissing her breathless.

She was getting used to being in his arms and loving the taste of his kisses so much so that she barely registered the sound of his name being yelled in the middle of the street.

Andro stopped kissing her for the moment and looked away from her in confusion. Lexi turned her attention from his face to see a beautiful woman walking towards them. She was talk with short brown hair with a sun kissed tan. She wore a royal blue designer jumpsuit with accompanying shades and heels that she strutted over in.

"Andro, what the hell are you doing?"

"Hello Sofia," Lexi looked at Andro who was clearly not impressed.

"Hello Sofia!" she repeated hysterically. "I don't hear from you in three weeks and that's all you have to say to me! Who is this woman!" the woman was screeching louder and louder as she got more hysterical.

"Excuse me, but who are you?" Lexi asked in confusion.

"I am his girlfriend!" Sofia screamed.

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