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Alan St. Patrick sat across from Princess Alessandra in her private office looking outright confused,

"That's it?"

Lexi straightened her back and gave her best haughty expression before replying,

"Is there a problem Mr. St.Patrick?"

"Apologies your highness but bits of an overheard conversation between the king and his advisor is not much to go on."

"It's all I have Mr St. Patrick so can you help me or not?"

"I don't think..."

"Then we have nothing left to discuss." Lexi stood up but Mr St. Patrick held his hands out to stall her.

"No, wait...your highness...perhaps I can help you."

"Perhaps? I don't need perhaps, I need answers."

"I can get them for you...I just need assurances."

"Assurances, what kind of assurances?" the detective sighed heavily.

"If I look into this for you, I'll be investigating the king. I have to know I won't have someone cut my throat in my sleep." Lexi nodded as she understood

"I see. Don't worry Mr St. Patrick. You will have my full protection during your investigation, you have my word."

"Thank you princess," he said nodding his head respectfully.

"I have to leave on an official trip but my assistant Miranda will be on hand for anything you need. Do not speak with anyone else, is that understood?"

"Yes your highness,"

"Thank you, Althea will show you out."

Alan St. Patrick rose from his seat and after bowing he exited with Althea. When she returned, Lexi was ready to head off to India


India was a wonderful country full of wonderful and engaging people but some parts were extremely hard done by. It was to these parts, namely a tiny village in Calcutta that Lexi sat with the holy women who ran the nearby orphanage. They would be receiving funding for the building and the children and Lexi's presence would give them the much needed publicity that the orphanage could use to secure other patrons.

The first two days, Lexi spent with the younger children; some of whom were poorly and had been discarded because of some deficiency or other. It wasn't until the third day when Lexi was meant to meet some of the older teenage children at the orphanage that she had a dizzy spell and fainted,

"Your highness, are you okay?"

"Y-yes, I'm f-fine just a little light...headed..." Lexi didn't get another word out as she blacked out again.


Leandro had been back from Aldovia for a few days but after another long day at work he was sat on his bed in the family home contemplating his next move.

He was confused.

Strangely and ridiculously confused because he was missing a woman he barely knew and he couldn't explain why. Sure, he knew he had messed up in a big way and felt the need to genuinely apologise but it was more than that. Something about Lexi was making him never want to leave her side and that was insane; he didn't know her, not really.

His door knocked and once he'd permitted them to enter, his father walked in.

"O que você está fazendo aqui pai?"

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