Twenty One

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What the fuck was he going to do!
Andro looked down at Lexi disbelievingly and knew he had to tell her.

For one thing she was in Aldovia and there was no reason for him to be there if he didn't already know who she was. She knew who she was obviously and so wouldn't understand how he wasn't surprised by her being addressed as royalty.


Andro's eyes shot towards Lexi and saw the uncertainty on her face that made his heart break.

"I think we should get you a doctor first," he said gently.

"No, wait" she said a little forcefully. "I want to tell you who I am."

"Lexi, I don't think that's important right now. You've been really sick and..."

"'s been killing me not telling you and I...I want you to know why I've had to keep it a secret from you for so long."

Leandro's couldn't have not re taken his seat of a million horses were trying to pull him away. God help him, he sat because he was being selfish. He hadn't listened to her reasons for not telling him before and it had cost him dearly. Their relationship had been tarnished because he hadn't been mature enough to listen to her when he was supposed and now he had the chance to correct that mistake.

Lexi reached out her hand for him to take and he gave it to her,

"My father is...very powerful and as his only child I'm meant to inherit everything from him." She took her time speaking as her throat was still sore from not having spoken for so long. Andro was on hand with water to help her when she needed. For now, she looked okay, the doctors could wait for a few more minutes at least.

"Growing up, I wasn't allowed to make my own decisions or learn about myself and the things I liked or didn't like. Everything was about how to please others and make sure other people were happy with whom they thought I should be." She cleared her throat again and took another few sips of water.

"Ive never done anything for myself or on my own...until I met you."

"Lexi please, you shouldn't be talking so much,"

"I need to Andro, please." He sighed and let her finish. "You found me...and you saved me. You showed me the wonder in the world and the fun and the adventure!" she smiled then as much as she could considering how drained she must be.

"I haven't told you who I am until now because I didn't want to lose that...I didn't want to lose you. I didn't want you to hate me trying to cover up something that I cant change." Lexi begun to cry then and Andro knew he was lost.

She had wanted to tell him but she'd been afraid and he'd made her fear come true by being angry at her.

" name is..."



"Just stop, I don't need to know your name. I don't need to know anything about you...not until you're better."

"But I want to be honest,"

"I appreciate that Lexi, I do so much but right now lets get you looked at, lets get you any care you need and then we can talk about us...our adventure isn't over."

Andro stood up and lowered his head to kiss her forehead that was quiet warm.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I'm me a favour?"

Andro told her what he needed and Lexi nodded and slumped into the pillow before closing her eyes and Andro left the room, closing the door gently behind him. He saw his mother in the hallway and took her hand as he went in search of Lexi's doctor. When he found him he explained what had happened,

"You're only telling us now?" was the doctor's curt reply.

"I realise I should have called you sooner Dr Reid but Lexi had some things she wished to say and after what she said, I think its best that we don't tell her who she is."

"With all due respect Mr Vargas, you are not a medical professional and cant decide what is the best care for our princess!"

"She might be your princess but she is my fiancée, she is going to be my wife and I wont have anyone upset her!"

Dr Reid was taken back,

"I respect your position as her doctor and I cant and wont stand in the way of that, but Alessandra would be emotionally effected if we tell her that she's a princess and is in Aldovia. Just keep that from her for now until I can spend some time alone with her and ease her into the revelation."

"Why you, why not her father?"

"She only seems to know me! Ask her yourself!"

Dr Reid marched away from Andro and Leia and into Lexi's room,

"Hello...Lexi is it?" Andro looked back at Leia who was stood just outside the room before stepping in completely and shutting the door, signalling for Leia to wait a moment.


"Hello Lexi, I'm Dr Reid. Could you tell me the last thing you remember?"

"I don't remember anything," she said simply. "I remember Andro...that's all I know. I know Andro."

Andro smiled warmly at her as Dr Reid thanked her for her time and stepped back out of the room.

"Fine" he said. "We'll run our tests and make sure that she's physically okay then release her into your care until she recovers her memory but when she does...she must come right back here!"

Andro smiled and nodded, but didn't reply.


Despite having woken up, Lexi was still very sick.

The virus had not completely left her system and so she would be monitored by a live in nurse, and given medication to keep her fever down; as well as fight off other toxins that they had seen were present in her system. She would be required to rest, keep hydrated and take her medication and she would hopefully be okay.

The entire country knew that their princess was sick but even when the hospital discharged her to Andro's care; King Alpheus still hadn't made an appearance to Andro's anger.

"No wonder she wanted to get away from him," Andro mumbled to himself as he filled out some paperwork in the visitor's room. Leia walked in a few moments later and sat next to him,

"The house is ready for you," she handed him a set of keys.

"Thank you mama,"

"You're welcome. So...your father told me about Lexi." Andro cleared his throat,

"What about her?"

"That she was the person you spent time with a few weeks ago...that you brought her to the villa."


"So, you realise this could get Lexi into serious trouble?"

"How?" he turned to her. "Noone has to find out, I wont let anyone find out."

Leia nodded her head although she didn't look convinced,

"You're playing a dangerous game Leandro...make sure that Lexi doesn't pay the price for it. This is her life,"

"Its my life too mama but you didn't think about that when you signed me over to them! Don't judge me about the choices I'm making for Lexi when you didn't give me the chance to not be a part of this!"

Leia was silenced and stared at her son with wide eyes,

"I love you, I love our family but I don't have to like what you did to me. You've made me marry someone I didn't know for your own gains and the only reason that that has worked in your favour is because the woman I fell in love with all those weeks ago is the person you found for me!"

**Ooooh! O_O lol ***

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