Twenty Two

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The plan was simple enough: keep Lexi away from anyone who would make it obvious that he knew who she was until she got her memory back. That meant of course that his mother couldn't be around her.

After his outburst in the hospital, Leia Vargas had had the sense not to push him any further when it was still a lot to deal with that he had admitted his love for Lexi. He'd known he felt strongly for her during their time together but, being with her in Aldovia and seeing what she had had to deal with growing up; he realised how much he loved her.

His mother had realised this and after going over their plan of action for Lexi, she had left with a kiss on his brow and a request for him to keep in touch. Andro had only nodded and begun the arrangements to take Lexi home with him.

Hours later, under the guise of not wanting to aggravate her condition; Andro got Lexi into a waiting car with her head covered and they drove to the airport for their flight back to Brazil. It was understood that Dr Reid had not approved this but Andro wasn't going to keep her in Aldovia and risk her finding out what had happened between them before she was ready. They arrived back at Villa Vargas in the dead of night and Andro walked Lexi to what had been her room before,

"No," she said softly as he opened the door. "I want to be with you."

"Lexi I don't think that's the best idea," he said regrettably, as she pressed herself into him.

"Why not...don't you want me?"

"Of course I want you...a little too much,"

"Then what is the problem?"

"You need to rest Lexi," he choked out as she licked her lips and looked up at him from beneath her eyelashes.

"Be gentle," she said softly and went onto her tip toes to plant a sweet kiss onto his closed mouth.

It had been so long since he'd felt her this way, willing and open to him that Andro couldn't resist opening his mouth and kissing her back, pulling her closer into his chest as he did so. He hadn't kissed her much less made love to her in he didn't know how long and he was powerless to stop what he knew she wanted.

It wasn't fair to her, he knew that. She didn't remember that she hated him and what kind of man would he be if he let her do this without telling her?

With all his strength, Andro stopped kissing her and took hold of Lexi's arms to push her away from him reluctantly, kissing the top of her head as he did so.

"Lexi...we cant...not yet."

He saw the hurt on her face and immediately kissed it away,

"This is nothing to do with just need to get better before we make love again." Lexi nodded and hugged him,

"Stay with me anyway?" Andro nodded above her head and turned to lead her to his bedroom.


The following morning Andro woke with Lexi in his arms.

Her long dark hair flowed over the white cotton sheets, her delicate tanned frame draped over his body like golden syrup. He almost couldn't breathe for loving her and wished more than anything that she would get her memory back soon so he could truly tell her how he felt about her.

He untangled himself from her gently as not to disturb her and when he was finally free, he went into a desk across the room and took out something he hadn't even thought about in a very long time.

Andro looked down at the now open draw and the large drawing pad and assortment of pencils inside and took a deep breath. Slowly, he took the pad out and a standard pencil and went back to the bed to gaze down at Lexi. Instantly, he began to draw...

H had completed her face, her shoulders and the soft mound of her left breast before she began to stir. She opened her eyes slowly at first, blinking a few times to get the fog out of them but when she set her eyes on him, her face morphed into a sleepy grin,

"What are you doing?" she asked softly and suddenly embarrassed, Andro stopped and closed the pad,

"Nothing, just some notes...I couldn't sleep. How are you feeling?"

"My heads still a little fuzzy but I'm okay."

Still no memory then.

Andro placed the drawing pad on the side table before getting back into the covers with her,

"Good, what would you like to do today?"

Her face exploded into a smile as she sat up and leant into his arms,

"I don't care...I just want to be. Just us remember?" Andro couldn't help the smile that came across his own face,

"Just us."

They both eventually got ready for breakfast and once they were sitting in the sunroom eating it, Ava came in saying there was a phone call for Andro. He went into his office to take it and when he returned, Lexi wasn't there.

"Ava where's Lexi?"

"She said to tell you she's back upstairs."

"Thanks," Andro took the stairs two at a time and when he got back to his bedroom, Lexi was there, on top of his bed...naked.

She sat up when she saw him, her hair falling over her breasts,

"Please don't say no," she said softly.

Andro swallowed down any retort he had walkedover to the bed. Looking over at the beautiful specimen in front of him, Androgave in to everything and climbed onto the bed to kiss her.    

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