Thirty Nine

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"I knew you could not stay away for long Leandro. We have something special you and I"

"If sex is something special then I guess so," Andro said as he climbed out of Sofia's bed and went to pour himself a glass of water.

He hadn't known why he called her and now that he had and had slept with her again, he was even more confused.

Sofia was bad news.

He'd had a hard time getting rid of her once before and by jumping back into bed with her, he'd have to find ways to get rid of her again.

"It is more than sex Leandro," she said firmly and in a few seconds, he felt her arms curl around his stomach, her firm naked breasts pressed enticingly against his bare back. "While else would you come back to me?" she said kissing his back softly.

Leandro shuddered; literally shuddered as her lips touched his skin and try as he might he couldn't get out of his head that it should be Lexi kissing him. The thought was immediately moved from his mind but the image of her in Nudai with that Sheikh. It made his blood boil knowing that she was spending time with another man. She really hadn't cared about him at if she was able to start a relationship so quickly.

You don't know it's a relationship

What else could it be? Lexi was a beautiful, rich and powerful woman; a prize for any man and even more so a prince...

Andro stepped out of Sofia's grasp and began to get dressed,

"Where are you going?" she asked, the hint of a tantrum coming into her high-pitched voice.


"Why not stay here with me and make love all night. We could eat strawberries and drink champagne,"

"Stop it Sofia,"

"We could have dinner brought up and indulge in each other until we cant lift our arms,"

"Stop it Sofia,"

"I'll do that thing you like with my..."

"STOP IT SOFIA!" Andro barked at her, causing her to cower away from him.

Andro sighed, instantly regretting his outburst because he knew the water works that would follow. As he readied himself for her verbal attack, he was surprised when it didn't come. Instead, Sofia was looking at him...pityingly?

"Who hurt you?"

"Excuse me?"

"That love her?"

"I'm not talking about this, especially not with you." Andro snapped as he continued to put his clothes on. He'd had no business calling on Sofia in the middle of the afternoon like this, he was surprised she'd even been in London.

Work had been getting to him and since his revelation about painting lexi even when he was trying not to think about her, art gave him no release from his torment either. He hadn't drawn or painted anything since he'd left Brazil and didn't think he would ever again.

"You don't have to talk Leandro but you will listen," Sofia said firmly but still he continued to dress even as she stood there naked as a new born baby.

"I might have played the wrong hand when it comes to you Leandro Vargas but I have never disrespected you the way you have me. I didn't think you deserved it and neither do i."

"Is there a point to this?" Andro said as he buttoned up his shirt and threw his tie around his neck,

"The point is that I pity you and because I pity you, I'm not going to fight you."

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