Forty One

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Lexi spent the next two nights in the desert with Hamdan before they had to return to the palace. She had one more official banquet to attend before she headed back to Aldovia and her meeting with Leonardo and Leia Vargas.

After their kiss under the stars, Hamdan had made it clear that he was interested in her. Not that a kiss hadn't told her that any way; but he was so much different towards her now from when they were merely fellow royals.

Their days among the desert people were full of chatter that he happily translated for her to keep up. She learnt about working the land and tending for animals; all of which she was delighted to find that Hamdan knew how to do.

"How can I rule my people if I do not understand my people? Nudai was not always modern technology and wealth. The sand, the harshness of the desert; being at peace with the elements around you...that is my Nudai."

Their evenings were spent in each other's tents, kissing but going no further than that as Hamdan didn't believe in it and Lexi simply wasn't ready.

She respected and listened intently to everything he said as he was a world of knowledge that she had yet to experience. He was born and raised in Nudai but had gone to school in London and university in the States. He spoke a multitude of languages and was dynamite in the boardroom...a lot like Leandro Vargas.

Lexi tried not to think about him but in the darkest parts of the night, when she had nothing else to distract her, she did just that.

She thought about the hard-sculpted lines of his face and the deep stormy grey of his eyes. She thought about his thick wavy black hair and the fullness of his sensual lips. She remembered how his hands used to feel against her skin as he caressed her while they made love. She remembered the size and weight of him; filling her completely and how she had felt complete elation at their connection.

Although she might miss him terrible and regret all the things she could never tell him; Lexi also knew that it was unlikely Andro missed her. He hated her; he had made that clear during their last encounter and there was no reason she shouldn't try to move on with her life if Andro was determined not to be in it.

Call him

The thought came to her as she dressed for dinner that evening but she dismissed it just as quickly. She had told him her reasons for lying and he hadn't believed her; why would he believe her now if he even let her speak to him. Besides; it had been over a month and she didn't see him demanding an explanation so he obviously didn't want one.

No, Lexi thought, Andro didn't want to hear her out so she wouldn't give him the satisfaction of begging.

The attendants she'd been given finished dressing her and doing her hair and a few hours later she was walking arm in arm with Hamdan to the banquet. There were other royals, dignitaries, and emissaries from all over the world all wanting a piece of Hamdan and she was happy to stand by his side and let him control his own conversations. There was by no means a lack of people trying to gain her attention but when the conversation moved too close to the wedding they had mostly all attended but not attended; she instantly spoke about something else.

The night wore on and amidst the glitz and glamour of the Arabian palace and colourfully decorated guests; Hamdan took her hand and led her out onto a large terrace that over looked the biggest swimming pool on the grounds. There were three others dotted around the palace so one was never far away.

 There were three others dotted around the palace so one was never far away

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