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The flight to London was a long one, especially with the stops for refueliing but Andro had made it more than comfortable along the way. When time permitted it (and at one point when it didnt), Andro had his way with her body and Lexi couldnt get enough. Whether it was the bedroom on his private jet or the Executive Lounge at the airport into London; Andro sucked and fucked her whenever and wherever he could and she let him. She didnt however have all the fun by receiving the pleasure but was finally taking pride in giving it as well. The feel of him; heavy and solid in her mouth as she pleasured him was a feeling indescribable. When his fingers laced through her hair to guide her lips over his shaft; Lexi felt wanton and sexual and free.

Two weeks, two weeks she had known this man and he had made her into a woman she had never dreamed she could be. Reckless and sexy; someone who took risks and had fun and lived life to the fullest.
How was she to stop being that person when she returned to Aldovia?
How was she to stop loving Andro when she returned to marry another man?
Lexi looked at Andro in the seat across from her in the car that was taking them to his townhouse in London. She realised now that she was back on European soil that she was in more danger of being caught. She also knew that now Andro was going back to work; it was more than likely that he would discover the news about her.
Tell him before he finds out!
She couldnt; she couldnt bare to see him look at her with anything that wasnt lust or whatever she had seen in his eyes these last few days.
When she was able, she would ask Andro to take her to Galdonia; make up some lie about needing to be there and she would never see him again. He had no way of contacting her or she him; so unless they sought each other out; they would never cross paths.

The reality that was more then she wanted to handle right now and so, she reached out to him across the car and trailed her fingers over his hand. Andro turned his grey eyes onto hers and smiled gently. He raised his index finger to his lips as she realised he was on the phone. She nodded her understanding and turned to look out the window.
Lexi heard him take in a sharp breath but didnt look at him,
"Hello to you too mother." He said dryly. There was some silence as his mother spoke and in a way that was so unlike him; Andro was completely silent.
"We'll talk about this at the house...the family house. I need to be alone for a while." Silence again but this time Lexi actually heard sound from the mother; his mother was shouting.
"Things have changed since i've been away, i'll talk to you about it later...NO MUM...later." there was silence again as his mother spoke again.
"I love you too...bye."
Lexi took a moment before she turned to look at Andro who was looking at his phone with a hand in his hair,
"Is everything okay?"
"No...not really." Lexi didnt know what to say but when Andro looked back at her he looked...apologetic.
"I have to go and see my parents...tonight. will you be okay on your own for awhile?"
"Yes," she said. She would be but there was something ominous about the way he spoke that she really didnt like. Andro nodded and turned away from her again.

They arrived a few minutes later to a lovely townhouse in the heart of Central London; close to the famous sites including Buckingham Palace. Lexi had been there once on a royal visit when she was a young girl and had loved it. She hadnt been back in many years but the surrounding parks and gardens were familiar to her from her times spent in London.

Andro stepped out of the car and opened her door for her before leading her up the white marble steps to the front door. It opened, seemingly miracuously until she saw the tiny housekeeper behind it who greeted him with a genuine smile;
"When Lola said you were coming over, i didnt believe her. Its been an age Andro!" Andro pulled the old woman into a bear hug.
"It has been, I'm sorry GG. You know how busy i get."
"I do, but no matter. You're here now." Andro nodded with a big grin,
"Cookies?" GG wagged her finger at him,
"You'll get fat if you keep eating my ginger cookies,"
"Probably...so where are they?" Gina tilted her head behind her,
"Kitchen, on the table." Andro kissed her on the cheek before turning to Lexi who was stood just inside the doorway watching their exchange.
"GG, this is Lexi. Lexi this is my housekeeper Gina or GG."
"Its lovely to meet you," Lexi said politely shaking the woman's hand.
"GG can you show Lexi to my room?" he turned to Lexi. "I'll be back in a bit."
Just like that, he disappeared to the kitchen.
"Men," GG said with a smiled as she shut the front door and turned toward the staircase directly behind them, "They'll never grow up no matter how old they get." Lexi nodded in approval and laughed softly.

The Princess and the PlayboyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora