Thirty Six

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"Yes yes yes...YES!"

The busty brunette beneath him screamed her release exaggeratedly as Andro took her bent over his a desk in the London office of Vargas Hotel Group. He didn't think she hadn't enjoyed herself but it was all entirely too dramatic and too loud for the middle of the day...

He pulled out of her and reached for some tissues on the side of his desk to clean himself up before putting himself back into his trousers.

Andro adjusted his clothing and walked around to his side of the desk and began going through some papers as the woman adjusted her own clothes and turned to him expectantly,

"That was amazing Andro."

"I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." He said not looking up at her as he finally took a seat and began to read a dossier.

There was silence for a moment as he continued to read and the woman looked over at him, confused as to what she should do next.

"I had a wonderful time,"

"So you've said," he replied, still not looking up at her.

"Andro, what's going on here?"

"I'm working," he raised his head finally and looked at her. "And you're interrupting me. Is there anything else?"

"Andro!" she said in astonishment but he just looked away.

"You can see yourself out."

The woman stared at him in utter disbelief before a tremendous scowl erupted onto her face,

"How dare you dismiss me! Do you know who I am?"

"Yes, a complete and utter waste of my time. Now, would you like to leave of your own accord or should I have you thrown out?"

"My father will be hearing about this?" Andro's answer was to turn back to his desk without another word.

As she flung open the office door, the woman collided into Liana who was about to enter. She looked at her brother then at the angry woman, who was marching down the hallway then back to her brother,

"Was that Marcus Johnson's daughter?"

"The one and same," Andro said.

"What did you do to her?" Liana asked closing the door and walking to sit in the chair opposite him.

"Nothing," he finally looked up. "What do you want Liana?"

"I came to see how you were. You've not been yourself,"

"I'm fine, anything else?"

"Andro," she whined but he said nothing. Liana wouldn't be deterred and stared at him silently. Finally, giving in he sighed and looked towards the window.

"I'm working,"

"I know that, you've been working nonstop for two weeks. It's been a month since we left Aldovia...when are you going to admit that you're not okay?"

"Never suits me just fine," he said sharply but Liana just rolled her eyes.

"You cant continue like this big brother...go and talk to her."

Andro rose from his chair angrily,

"What is it with everyone and the talking? I don't see her banging down my door trying to explain herself!"

"Would you have let her?" Andro didn't have an answer for that. Would he have let Lexi explain her behaviour?

He didn't know.

He realised that he was committing past mistakes by not hearing her out but how could he ignore what he had heard with his own ears? Lexi had condemned herself!

"Well, while you think about that want to know why papa is going to kill me?"

"Because you're pregnant?"

Liana's mouth dropped opened as she stared at him,

"You know?"

"Of course I know, you don't usually wear baggy clothing in the middle of summer in Brazil." Despite herself Liana laughed,

"That obvious huh?"

"Yes, that obvious. At least to me...whose is it?"

"I can't tell you just yet but that's the least of my worries...what do you think papa will say?"

"I think he'll be angry if he finds out before you tell him." Liana nodded,

"I was afraid you'd say something like that," she sighed heavily and placed her hand on her stomach. "I will tell him...I will, I'm just...just..."


"Terrified!" Liana shot out of the chair. "Andro he's going to kill me! He's going to be so disappointed!"

"Yeah, probably but then he'll realise that you're not a child anymore and that he still loves you even though you messed up." Liana rolled her eyes,

"Thank you Leandro,"

"You're welcome baby sis," he said smiling at her, which made her smile back.

"Oh, so you do remember how to smile? I haven't seen it in a while."

"Li...please don't start." Liana threw up her hands,

"I won't,"

"Thank you,"

"But I will say this,"

"What?" he said rolling his own eyes.

"I'll tell Daddy...if you speak to Alessandra."

"What? No, I'm not talking to that woman ever again!"


"No, I wont. It's not like you can hide your pregnancy from dad much longer anyway!" Liana growled at him and he growled back at her, making them both laugh.

Liana walked around to his side of the desk and sat in his lap and threw her arms around his neck,

"Please...for me,"

"Li...I can't,"

"Why not?"

"I'm scared,"

"Of what, the truth?"

"No, I know the truth! I heard the truth!"

"Then what is it?"

"I'm scared that she'll explain and it won't be enough. That I'll go there and she won't say what I know I want to hear."

"Oh Andro,"

"I'm scared that I'll hate her more than I already do and in some fucked up way, I don't want to speak to her because...because..." Andro thought he would lose it as it little sister comfortingly stroked his back and let him take his time to speak. He swallowed his rage and said,

"I don't want to speak to her because as long as I don't...I'll always have a reason to go back."

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