I can’t believe he’s laughing at me. Asshole. I see nothing funny about the situation.

I crossed my arms over my chest and glared more deeply at the words. Yeah fuck you Jacob. With a thirteen inch purple cactus. (AN: inside joke with some of my friends) Despite my sour mood a small giggle escaped my lips. Shit.

I snapped my head up and looked around briefly to make sure no one heard it. When I confirmed that no one is staring at me I lowered my gaze back to the desk and reached down, unzipped my bag, grabbed my folder and pencil, and started taking notes like the rest of the class.

I was only writing for about ten seconds when I felt a tap on my arm. I ignored it and kept writing. Glancing up at the board, I looked at the next few words and then bent my head over the paper as I wrote. I felt something touch my arm again and this time I glanced up, clenching my jaw.

Jacob sat in his seat smirking at me and I felt my heart stutter in my chest when our eyes met. It took a lot of effort on my part but I managed to glare at him. What is his problem?

‘What?’ I mouthed. His smirk remained in place as he lifted a finger and pointed at my paper. I scrunched my eyebrows, confused, until I looked back up and saw that his smirk had turned into a pout. He jutted out his bottom lip as his blue eyes stared at me sadly. My heart began crashing in my chest and it felt like all of the air was sucked out of my lungs as my eyes widened a little.

My eyes wandered down his face and then focused on those full lips with the black lip ring in the bottom one. I finally managed to stop drooling and looked away, yanking a piece of notebook paper out of my folder and thrusting it in his direction.

He took it and then smiled brightly. The teacher’s voice and all the other noises in the room faded into the background as I gawked at him. Then I felt my own lips curving up into a soft smile. When he looks at me like that there is no way in hell I can resist him. He could probably convince me to murder someone with that smile.

Well… not really. But you get my point of how strongly it affects me.

We continued with the notes for a little while and there were so many that I had to use the front and back of my first paper and then I needed another one. I figured that Jacob would be running out of room soon too so I grabbed him a piece as well to avoid another puppy dog face. I’ll probably pass out from lack of oxygen if he does that again.

Just as I was about to turn and hand him the paper I saw him open his folder and take out a fresh sheet. My jaw popped open as I turned my entire head to glare at him accusingly. He must have noticed me staring because he looked over and smirked when he saw my expression, shrugging his shoulders.

‘Must have forgot.’ He mouthed at me and then shrugged again.

Yeah. ‘Forgot.’

I clenched my jaw and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath before facing the board once again. He may have admitted his feelings for me- my stomach fluttered and my heart sped up just from the thought- but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t still annoy the crap out of me. And I know that no matter what happens with us he has always and will always find it amusing to push my buttons and piss me off.

That’s just the way Jacob is and- no matter how much he makes me want to pull out my own hair- I know that I wouldn’t change a thing about him.

When the last bell rang I slung my bag over my shoulder and left the locker room. I was looking down and reading the paper for a stupid project that my English teacher gave us. She said that we can be partners with anyone in our grade so I already know that I’m going to be working alone on it. Winter  offered to be my partner even though she and Carter know that I prefer to be by myself on projects like this.

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