Chapter Eight

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Hello, I would just like to say thank you to all who have read my story. I really enjoy writing, and feeback is greatly appreciated. This chapter isn't amazing, and a bit short. Anyway, I hope you like it!

-Briana :)x

“Babe, it’s amazing. Our baby is in there.” Harry says as he puts his hand on my tummy. The small bump is beginning to form, and it makes me wonder how far along I am exactly.

“I know, I was scared about how you’d react, but I like knowing I am carrying a token of our love inside me.”

“I don’t know why you’d be scared. You know I love kids.”

“I know, but you are doing so well in your career, and I don’t want me or our baby to keep you from that.”

“Briana, you know I am doing well. I can support you and this baby. But tours are going to be difficult. You can’t travel with a newborn.”

“I know. It’s going to be hard. But you don’t going back on tour until September. It’s only March. No worries, yet. What I am freaking out about right now is who we are going to tell.”

“Oh. I haven’t even thought about that yet. I am not sure how my mom will take it. But first we need to invite the boys over! NOW! They’re going to be uncles!”

“Okay honey, call them!” I tell him laughing. He is being so adorable. We are going to have a baby together. We’re going to be a happy little family, and nothing can tear us apart.

Harry got out of bed and went to call all the boys; I got out of bed as well and put some clothes on. Since the boys are coming over I put on some jeans and a Jack Wills Hoodie instead of my usual home attire, sweats and a tank top. I go into the bathroom and let my hair down; I brush it out and twist my bangs back again. I leave my loose curls down. Harry comes into the bathroom wearing nothing but a smile. Literally. Nothing. He comes and wraps his good arm around me, and kisses my neck. I smile seductively, and turn around to kiss him. He kisses me very passionately and lifts me up on the counter. Although I had just gotten dressed, Harry ripped my clothes off. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and he put his hand on my back. I kissed his neck, and he whispered,

“You know, with this cast, I can’t shower myself.” And he chuckled.

“Well, I guess I’ll just have to help you.” I tell him, and hop off the counter and over to turn the shower on. Once the water is flowing we step in together.

After some much needed fun and relaxation under steaming hot water together, Harry and I get out of the shower. He wraps my towel around me, and hugs me from behind. He knows I always get the chills right after a shower. I turn and kiss him one more time, and then I leave to go get dressed.

I put the clothes I had on before Harry ripped them off, back on. And once again wrap my wet hair into a bun on the top of my head. It’s just the boys, I think.

I go into the bathroom to brush my teeth, and I find Harry styling his luscious curls. Every time I see him with a blow dryer, I can’t help but laugh.

“Oh be quiet!” He yells playfully.

“Sorry, hun. It’s just so cute. I am going to go call the doctor okay?”

“okay babe.”

I walk into the kitchen, grab my phone, and sit down on the couch with my planner. I dial my doctor’s number, and take a deep breath.

“Hello, this is the office of Doctor William Smith, How may we help you today?

“Um. Yes, I need to make an appointment.”

“Okay, and your name?”

“Briana Evans”

“Okay, and what is this appointment regarding?”

“I took a home pregnancy test and it came back positive.”

“Okay, how does tomorrow at 8:30 sound?”

I check my planner, I have class at 10. “Yeah, that’s fine. Thank you.”

“No problem, see you tomorrow, Ms. Evans.”

I really feel like I should call my mom. But just as I pick up the phone to dial, Louis is knocking at the door. I know because all I can here is,

“Harreh! Harreh! It’s Uncle Lou, and Aunty Ella! Open up, I’m so excited!”

I laugh, and yell “coming!”

 I’ll push off calling my mom until later. We don’t have a great relationship anyway. She has a bit of resentment towards me for coming to London, and she is part of the reason I left the states. I think the reason it upset her so much is that I left at only 16, and my dad supported me.

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