Chapter Three

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As I pulled into my drive way I tried my hardest to put the Situation out of my mind. I climbed to the third floor and to my apartment door. I felt very panicky, and thought I might explode in the elevator. As I approached my door, I got nervous remembering I hadn’t locked my door.

I cautiously entered my apartment, setting my things down on the table in the hall way. The same table Harry had picked me up, sat me there, and passionately kissed me so many times before. I felt of pang of regret in my heart. If only I could turn back time.

I surveyed my home. It seemed fine; I walked back to my door, and locked it. I checked the time on my phone, 10:15. I had one class today, and it was at 2. I wanted to curl up in a ball, and just go cuddle with the blankets on my bed; the ones that still smelled like Harry... But I decided I should probably shower. I walked to the bathroom, turned on the water, and turned some music on. Just as I was about to get in the shower, Liam texted me.

“Don’t go to class, the Paparazzi are outside your apartment. I will call the school, and have Paul talk to them, or work something out.”

This is just great. Now I am stuck in my apartment, alone. This can’t be good. I will just overthink things. I text Liam back,

“Okay. Thanks, hun. Xoxo”

I hop in the shower, and get out as quickly as possible. I feel sick to my stomach and the steam of the shower feels like a plastic bag over my head. I dry off and wrap my wait hair into a bun on top of my hair. I throw on some boy shorts, and a big t-shirt. Harry’s t-shirt. I smell the shirt. And it immediately reminds me of the night he first told me he loved me. I remember it like it was yesterday, though it had been nearly two years ago.

We were lying in my bed. I had my head on his chest and he was rubbing my back. We were watching Alan Carr. Well, Harry was. I was drifting to sleep. He began to rub my head, and twirl my hair in his fingers. I liked the way it felt. I felt safe, and protected. I knew at that moment I loved him, but I didn’t want to say it. I was afraid to be shot down. He turned the TV off, and he moved my head off his chest onto his arm. I moved, but kissed him on the cheek before I lay back down. He smiled that cheeky little smile, and my heart melted. He turned to fit his body to mine. He knew I loved spooning. He put his head in the crook of my neck and shoulder, and whispered, “I love you with all of my heart, Briana.” I remember feeling like the luckiest girl in the world and I replied, “I love you more.” We cuddled the rest of the night, not letting go of each other once.

I shouldn’t have reminisced in my memories. It made me hurt more. That’s all I wanted right now. I wanted to put my head on his chest, forget about our fight, and tell him how much I love him. I lay on my bed, and began crying again. Then my phone rang. It was Louis. I became very anxious.

“Hello,” I answered.

“Briana! Get ready to come to the Hospital quick! Harry just woke up! Paul is on his way to pick you up!”

“Wait what? Is he-“ I was cut off by Louis.

“I don’t have any answers yet, just be ready! Paul will be there soon. See you, love.” He hung up.

I felt amazing. He was awake. This could be good; the love of my life could be okay. But Louis said there weren’t any answers, so that could be a downside, but he was awake and that’s all that mattered.

I quickly got dressed, throwing on my Mick Jagger shirt, a pair of skinny jeans, and my grey toms. As soon as I put my things into my purse, Paul knocked on my door.

“Hey Paul”

“Hey Sweetie, come on its wild out there we need to be quick.”

I locked my door and quickly followed. Paul took the long way to the back entrance of my apartment, and when I walked out there was a black van. I was used to getting in this van. It irritated me that paparazzi would mob my apartment while Harry is in the hospital.

The ride to the hospital was quiet, and quick. When we got there, Paul pulled up the sliding doors of the hospital, and told me to go straight to Harry’s room, and not to stop for any interviews or pictures, at all.

I did as I was told, and ran up the stairs to room 201.

Everyone was sitting around the bed, talking and laughing. When I walked in I was smiling, and everyone greeted me with hellos and smiles. Except for harry. He stared at me with a blank stare. He looked confused, but I ignored it. I walked up to the bed, and Anne Quickly stopped me. I looked at her as if she was crazy.

The boys all looked nervous, and now I was worried.

“Briana, please stay calm. The doctors informed me that Harry has temporary amnesia. They said Temporary amnesia can last up to six months, but Harry seems to remember the boys, and myself, and Paul, but He doesn’t remember last night at all. We umm, well”

“You what?!” I said a bit too loudly. I was nervous.

“We haven’t mentioned you yet, and we don’t know if he remembers you. So when you go to talk to him, talk slowly, and stay calm.”

Tears began to pour from my eyes.

“oh-oh-okay” I said as I sniffled.

“Sweetie I am sure everything will be okay, come on” Anne said, as she held my hand and lead me into the room.

Niall gave me his seat, which was right next to Harry’s bed.

“Hi Baby. How are you feeling?” I asked Harry as I reached to hold his hand.

He looked at me with the same puzzled look, and replied, “Do I know you?”

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