Chapter Six

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I hear a knock at the door. My stomach does like 100 flips, and I close out of the email. I put my cereal bowl in the sink, and go to the door. I hear another knock, and I say


I open the door, and there he is. The love of my life is looking as cute as ever. He is wearing the jack wills sweats that I have a matching pair to, a white t-shirt, and a grey beanie. He has a big smile across his face, and I cannot stop smiling either. I want to jump on him, and wrap my arms around his neck, but I remember the cast, and I stare at it for a bit too long.

“It doesn’t hurt at all, now hug me!” He says in a flirty voice.

I hug him cautiously and he put his hurt arm over my head so I can hug him around his waist. He wraps his good arm around me and hugs me the tightest he ever has.

“I love you with all of my heart, and I don’t even want to talk about the fight. I missed you so much.” He whispers in my ear.

“I love you too! I missed you so much!” I tell him as I bury my head into his chest.

He kisses the top of my head.

“Well look at the two love birds!” Shouts Anne from down the hall, carrying Harry’s bags.

“Hello, Anne!” I say smiling.

“Hello missy. I hope you’re ready to take care of Mr. Whiney here. He hasn’t done anything but talk about how much he misses you!”

I blush a bit and laugh, and then I look at Harry and he winks at me.

“I am not ashamed! I missed the love of my life!” Harry tells us.

I let them both in, and I take Harry’s bags into my room.

I walk back into the living room and Anne and harry are sitting on the couches.

“Well, Briana. I am trusting you with my baby, okay?” Anne asks.

“I understand he is in good hands” I say as I sit next to Harry cuddling up to him. He puts his hand into mine and our fingers lock together.

“Well I will get going now, Gemma and I have plans. Love you both, be responsible!” Anne says letting herself out.

“Okay mum, love you too.” Harry says.

As soon as the door closes Harry leans over and kisses me passionately. I kiss him back, and a tiny tear escapes my eye.

He sits back with a look of horror on his face.

“babe! What’s wrong? Did I do something?” he asks panicked.

“No, hun, it’s not you, well it’s not anything you did. It’s just you being in the hospital really scared me and I had this horrible nightmare and I just have a lot on my mind right now.”

“Do you want to talk?” he asks taking my face in his hand.

“No baby. Not right now, I’m fine. I just want to be with you.” I tell him.

“How about we go lay down together?” he asks with just a touch of flirting in his voice, and gives me a wink.

“Okay babe.” I say as I get up and lead him to my- our bedroom.

He flopped down on my bed, and patted the empty spot right next to him.

“Give me a minute, I am going to put my pajamas on.” I tell him giving him a slightly seductive look.

I take my shorts off slowly, and then take my shirt off. I turn and look at Harry.

“Oh gosh, I missed you so much, baby.” Harry said.

I decided to skip out on clothing, and flopped into bed next to him in just my bra and undies.

I lay on his chest and leaned down and kissed him passionately. He kissed me back, and I could tell he missed me. We kissed for what seemed like hours, and I enjoyed every minute. I loved the way his lips felt against mine, it was like they were meant to be pressed against each other’s. He put his okay hand on the small of my back, and undid my bra. I sat up and gently took his shirt off, I felt like it was our first time all over again. We were both shyly awkward, and acted like we didn’t know what to do next. It was really difficult making love with a broken arm in the middle of us. We did the best we could. I took my panties off, and slid his pants and boxers off. We made love, and it was extremely romantic and awkward all at the same time. After that he held me all night long, as he spooned with me. He whispered in my ear “I love you Briana” and was quickly asleep. I could hear his soft breathing, and he seemed so at peace.

I couldn’t sleep, which wasn’t a surprise I practically slept for a whole day. Great. This gave me more time to overthink things, which is never good for me. I couldn’t help but think I would be ruining his life with this baby. But since I had lots of time to think, I tried to see the positives in it. Harry does love kids, even if it isn’t the right time, I am sure he’d love this baby with all of his heart. He is going to be a great dad. But that only brought me back to the thought, what if he doesn’t want this baby. What if he breaks up with me, and I have to do this on my own. I don’t believe Harry would ever do that, but his career is at its peak, and it doesn’t look like it’s stopping any time soon. These thoughts racing through my mind eventually put me to sleep, and I let them slip my mind, for now. I was in my favorite place in the world. Wrapped in Harry’s arms.

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