Chapter Two

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As I pull into the parking garage of the hospital I take deep breathes in, and exhale loudly, trying to calm myself. As I turn my steering wheel, I realize I am shaking. I put the car in park, take my keys out, get everything in my purse ready to get out, and I just begin to ball. I can’t control my tears. I can’t help but think up the worst possible situation. I wipe up my tears, put my sunglasses on, and begin the walk to the elevator.

As I stand at the entrance to the elevator repeadately pushing the up button, I hear two, friendly, familiar, and comforting voices from behind. I turn, and can’t help but smile a bit. It’s Liam and Niall. The run up to me and give me a giant hug, I bury mu head in-between each of their shoulders, and I try to keep it in, but I cannot. The tears, stream down my face. I begin to sob into Liam’s hoodie while Niall soothingly rubs my back. They both tell me things like it will be alright and it’s fine. When we all know there are thoughts racing through our minds of the worst things to expect.

“Guys, I don’t know if I can go up there. I can’t go into a room and see him hurt, I don’t even know what condition he is in, or if he’s awake, or if it’s life or death?! Zayn seemed urgent on the phone, and I just –“and I was cut off by Liam.

“Briana, breathe. Everything will be just fine, but you have to calm down! Niall and I will walk you up there, and we will be with you the whole time. Zayn, and Lou, and Anne, as well. If you need me the whole time, I won’t leave your side”

“Same here, babe. We’re here for you, and you know that” Niall chimed in.

I felt so lucky to have them as friends.

The elevator door finally opened and we stepped in. Although it seemed like hours, we were on the second floor in minutes.

We all immediately asked a nurse where room 201 is, and she lead the way. Liam walked in right away, and I stopped just before the doorway.

Niall whispered in my ear, “It will be fine, I am right here. Just stay calm he needs us all” and gently squeezed my shoulder in a comforting way.

I took one last deep breath, and stepped into the room. I immediately felt my heart sink.

Harry was lying in a hospital bed. His arm was in a cast; his face was all bruised up, and cut, and he was hooked up to a million different wires.

Louis got up and ran to me. He had been crying. We just hugged and hugged, while we silently sobbed together. Then Anne came over and hugged me. She said everything would be okay. Then she asked me to sit down so she could explain what had happened.

I sat in a recliner next to Harry that Zayn had saved for me. I could hear the soft purr of Harry’s breathing, and it soothed me. Then I looked at Anne and gave her my full attention.

“Thanks to SugarScape we all know you two were out drinking last night, but we also know you left at around 3:30, however; Harry did not. Louis called me at 4 and asked if Harry had come to my house for the night because he hadn’t come home yet, or called, and then we all got worried, you weren’t answering your phone, and Liam, Zayn, and Niall hadn’t heard from him. Zayn said that Harry had done this to him before, and knew where to look. He went to the park near Harry and Louis’ apartment, and sure enough harry was there. Just not in the condition we’d like.” Anne started off with.

My heart began to ache, knowing I had started this. Harry only disappears if he is really upset, and our mishap at the bar caused all this. I began to sob again, and Zayn patted my back soothingly.

Anne continued, “Harry had obviously been drinking a lot, and fell off the bridge at the park. It was only a ten foot drop, but it had a great impact because of the concrete, and the amount of alcohol in his system. Zayn and Louis brought him here, and the doctors did tons of tests.”

“Yes, and what’s wrong, is he going to be okay?!?!” I practically screamed.

Anne began to choke up, and tears streamed down her face, and I felt my heart fall into my stomach. She couldn’t continue talking, so Zayn, who was surprisingly calm, continued for her.

“They ran CAT scans, and did lots and lots of tests, and came to the conclusion, that Harry is a coma. They don’t know how long it will be, but they do know he hit his head pretty hard, but they cannot assess the damage to his brain, if any, until he wakes up. Other than that, his vitals seem fine, and he can breathe on his own.” Zayn finished.

I let out a muffled cry. My tears were now pouring, and I didn’t know what to do or say, so I just ran to Anne, and hugged out the pain in our chests together.

I attempted to choke out, “Anne, boy-boys, I am so sorry. I started all of this… I started the fight, and cause harry to become so upset, I made him drink all those drinks last night, and-“

“STOP!” screamed Louis.

He continued, “Briana, we all love Harry, and we also love you. I am sure he will be fine, but we know how stubborn harry is, and How mean he can be. Don’t blame this on yourself!”

All the boys, and Anne said something along the lines, of I agree, and we all just hugged.

I stayed by Harry’s side all night, holding his hand, until Anne woke me up the next morning telling me that Harry had been monitored overnight and there was some brain activity. She told me they would be running tests all day and that I should go home and get ready for class.

I drove home feeling a bit hopeful of the fact that Harry had shown progress overnight, but this hope was quickly overcome by the guilt I felt..

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