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The tall walls stared down at us as we sat in the van, parked in front of the entrance. It was left open, assuring walkers were inside. Negan glanced over at me, instantly noticing how uneasy this place made me feel. Negan knew about the Governor, he knew about Woodbury, but I never put the two things together for him. If only he knew what this place meant to me, all the memories caused by that one-eyed asshole.

"Are you sure you wanna go in?" Negan asked.

"I have to." I answered.

"We don't have to-"

"We do. Ya wanna know why I am the way I am? Then we have to go in. Once you see the place, once you know everythin' that happened here, you'll finally understand."

"There could be dead ones inside."

"I ain't worried about walkers." I climbed out of the van and grabbed my bow and quiver from the back seat before turning to Negan. I'll shut the gate behind ya, Get in, turn the van around, face the gate, just in case we gotta run for it."

"When did I start takin' orders from you?"

"Since you got on my turf." I smirked and Negan pulled away, turning the van around inside the gates as I shut the gate behind us.

"Where to first?"

"My house." I led Negan down the street towards my house, each one of us taking out any walker we stumbled upon. Once inside, Negan smiled.

"It's nice. Not like the Anderson's, but it has its own homey feel to it."

"The person makes the home, in this case, people."

"Who did you live here with?"


"Did you two ever get freaky like you and Daryl did?"

"We got intimate once, but that was it."

"Booooring!" Negan groaned. "But still, it's nice to know you have experience at least." I rolled my eyes and walked to my bedroom, Negan followed close behind. "When we lost the prison, I wound up in Abraham's group with Eugene, Rosita, and my friend Tara. We came here lookin' for a militarized vehicle, figured it'd be safer to drive that than any other car. We raided the entire community, took all the useful supplies. Food, water, toiletries, clothes that fit us, any weapons we could find." Negan walked around my room and sighed.

"You took the fun out of searchin' through your house. You didn't leave anythin' fun?"

"You can try Merle's room, he was notorious for hidin' shit." Negan smiled and pushed past me before entering Merle's room, quickly searching for what I assumed would be incriminating.

"Ah-ha!" Negan exclaimed as he pulled out an empty dresser drawer. "It has a false bottom."

"Really?" I chuckled. "What was that man hidin' from me?" THUD! THUD! CRACK! Negan slammed his fist into the drawer before finally cracking the bottom, revealing Merle's secret stash. "Figures."

"Condoms and skin mags?" Negan laughed. "What kind of sick pervert was this guy?"

"A major one. Not a single day went by that he didn't make some form of sexual remark towards me."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Do ya got enough points?"


"Well, you've behaved, so I guess one freebie won't kill me."

"Did Merle ever tell you about the hole in the wall?"

Surviving Negan (BOOK FOUR IN THE SURVIVING THE WALKING DEAD SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now