Friends In Dark Places

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I woke up the next morning to a gentle knocking at my door. I looked at my watch on my night stand and groaned. 7:42am. Too fucking early. KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! "Michaela?" Negan's voice called through the door.

"I'm sleepin." I grumbled.

"Michaela, get dressed, we need to talk."

"No dressy, need sleepy." I groaned.

"What the fuck is this? Some Chris Farley shit?" Negan laughed. KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK! "C'mon, Michaela, get up."

"Please, go away and let me sleep FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!" I screamed into my pillow. BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! BANG! Negan pounded his fist against the door. I internally screamed and rolled out of bed and stormed over to the door, swinging it open. "WHAT? WHAT IN THE JESUS TITTY FUCKIN' CHRIST DO YA WANT?"

"Well, good mornin' to you too." Negan chuckled as he lifted his hands to chest level, showing off a food tray. "I got you breakfast." I didn't respond as I looked down at the tray. "Can I come in?" I let out a sigh and stepped aside, allowing Negan into my room. "Nice place you got here."

"What do ya want?" I asked.

"First, I wanna see you eat." I reached over to the tray and took a bite out of a piece of toast.

"There, now what do you want?"

"You're not a mornin' person, are you?"

"My day doesn't officially start until noon."

"That's not morning, that's afternoon."

"No, it's noon. Afternoon would be 12:01." Negan instantly laughed. "And ya still haven't answered my question. What do ya want?"

"Can I not visit my wife for breakfast?" I raised my eyebrow, clearly not convinced. "Alright, I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for last night. Simon talked to me after you left and got me understandin' why you freaked out."

"Partially. He helped ya partially understand why I freaked out."

"What other reason did you freak out?" I didn't respond. "Alright, you don't gotta talk about it. That's okay, I came here to talk to you instead." Negan sat the food tray down on top of the dresser and turned back to me. "How's about you and I get outta here for a while? Just for a couple days."


"Yeah, just you and me, away from here. How's that sound?"

"What about the Sanctuary? And Pickups?"

"All taken care of. It's just gonna be you and me. You pick the place, and we'll go."

"Can we go to Alexandria?"

"Not really what I had in mind for a honeymoon, sweetheart. Though, I'd love to watch Daryl squirm."


"Yeah, you know what that is, right?" I shook my head. "Really?" Negan chuckled. "Well, when a couple get married, sometimes, they go on a little vacation, a honeymoon, if you will. Doesn't that sound nice?"

"What kind of vacation is it if I gotta drag your ass along?"

"One that's called a honeymoon." Negan smiled. "C'mon, pick a place and we'll pack and head out."

Surviving Negan (BOOK FOUR IN THE SURVIVING THE WALKING DEAD SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now