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A/N: Making this chapter a bit longer to make up for the super short chapter lol. WARNING: The following chapter can trigger emotional stress for some readers. Reader's discretion is advised. And yes, I know this is out of sequence, but I got a reason for it, so bear with me lol.

I woke up as we pulled into the gates at the Sanctuary. I woke up. Negan actually let me sleep. At this point, I didn't care that I fell asleep on his shoulder, that little amount of sleep meant the world to me. Maybe he was a man of his word and was gonna treat me right. I mean... as right as he can. I still hated him, I wanted nothing more than to shove a hot knife into his dick hole and watch him suffer, but if the torture was over for now, then I could learn to adjust to this. Adjust, but never be happy.

Negan and I climbed out of the truck as the Saviors began to unload what we brought back with us. They took a lot if not all of the medicine and medical supplies, clothes, furniture, books, you name it. If it seemed interesting to them, they took it without a second thought. Dwight was laughing as he and the truck full of weapons pulled into the compound. "What are you laughin' at?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing." Dwight chuckled.

"Seriously, what are ya laughin' about?"

"We took half their mattresses and burned them on the road back there."

"Why the in the fuck would ya do that?" I growled.

"Your people need to learn who's boss, who's in charge."

"And that someone isn't you!" Everyone turned and looked at us as I got in Dwight's face. "Ya ain't the one in charge, ya ain't the one runnin' the show, Negan is! That was not your call, that was not your decision to make, and yet ya do it anyways? Are ya fuckin' stupid?" Dwight climbed off the motorcycle and got in my face. "Listen, ya pull any crap like that again, I'll make your right half of your face match the other!"

"Michaela, that's enough." Negan snapped as he approached and Arat approached us. "Dwight, help unload the trucks." Dwight looked away from Negan and smiled.

"I sure hope Rosita has a place to lay her pretty little head at night. If not, I wouldn't mind bringing her here, I got a nice place she can put her head."

"YOU SON OF A-" I lunged at Dwight, swiping at his face, but missed him when Negan pulled me back.

"I SAID GO UNLOAD THE FUCKIN' TRUCKS!" Dwight glared back at me before walking off towards the trucks. "You can't fuckin' do that, Michaela. I don't care how much he pisses you off."

"He was askin' for it." I growled. "Fuckin' twat is just beggin' me to kill 'em." Negan let out a soft chuckle as he released me from his arms.

"You were right though, he's not in charge. Thought he fuckin' understood that, but I guess some old habits die hard, eh?" I didn't answer. "Don't forget that you still need to serve your punishment. I don't want to punish you..." Negan smiled. "... not yet anyway. But all of my men saw how you acted back there, I can't let any of that slide. I let one get away with it, then it becomes a domino effect, and I can't have that."

"So, what did ya have in mind? Should I go back to my cell? Or should I just follow ya around and do your biddin' like a fuckin' slave?

"Don't get fuckin' smart with me." Negan grumbled, putting his finger in my face. "I didn't have to accept your offer, you know. I could easily go back and bash your soon-to-be ex husband's fuckin' skull in and not give two flyin' shits about it. Respect. When you're married to me, it's mandatory, not earned." Negan let out a sigh. "Now, I still have to figure out your punishment. Let's see, you disobeyed my orders multiple times, you talked back to me, you gave me a hell of an attitude, took off a couple of times, put your hands on Davey, and you intervened in an execution." Negan thought about it for a moment. "Still, you did kneel and ask me to marry you, but what I never heard, was an apology. Maybe if I hear an apology, I might go easier on your punishment.

Surviving Negan (BOOK FOUR IN THE SURVIVING THE WALKING DEAD SERIES)Where stories live. Discover now