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“Don’t even try to change the subject” my mom said. “Were you or were you not about to kill that child and don’t lie to me you ought to know by now that I can tell when you do”

“Um… I … I … wait why does it even matter to you anyway?” Kai stuttered. “He’s just some kid who got into a fight he couldn’t win”

“He did nothing to you Kai and don’t try to tell me that he did cause I know for a fact that he’s basically scared of his own shadow” I said. “No offense Jessie but you are” I added quickly so he didn’t get mad.

“And who are you to question me you little brat” Kai said.

“Kai” my mother said a warning tone in her voice. Before she could finish her sentence something stirred on the ground not far from where we were. I turned to see what it was and was shocked to realize that it was Karina.


I sat up dazed. All I knew was that something had hit me, hard.

“What hit me” I said. Riley and Jessie were suddenly there next to me helping up. I remembered Jessie’s arrival and that Kai had threatened him but after that it was a blur so I wasn’t sure when Riley had showed up.

“Jessie are you alright he said he was going to kill you” I said in a rush as the memory of why I had been knocked out came back to me.

“Yeah I’m fine” Jessie said. “Riley swooped in and saved me just in time”

“Good job Riley by the way pretty sure I found Kai” I said.

“Yeah and I’m pretty sure our mother is gonna kill him when she figures out he hurt you” Riley said. “Mom” He called over to Arabella. “Look who I just found knocked out cold”  Arabella turned and froze when she saw me anger plain on her face as she stalked towards Kai.

“Mom what are you doing?” Kai asked as she advanced looking livid.

“Oh nothing dear I’m just going to hang you upside down over the side of that cliff there until you tell me exactly what was going on here before I arrived and apologize to both Karina and Jessie.” She said. I almost laughed before I realized that she was totally serious. She grabbed Kai’s arm and started dragging him toward the edge of the cliff.

“Arabella wait!” I called. “You do realize that our plan probably won’t work if he’s dead right”

“He won’t be dead silly just scared enough to remember how a prince ought to behave” Arabella said.

“Just put him down please” I said. “I don’t want my first impression with him to be that I want him dangled off a cliff because he believed what he’s probably been taught since he came out here”

“She has a point” Kai said. “I don’t know what the human is talking about but if it keeps my feet on the ground and not in the air I agree with her”

“Oh fine but I’m only going to tell you this once Kai so listen carefully.” Arabella said. “Karina is under my protection you won’t hurt her again unless you want me to hurt you twice as badly am I clear” she added. “And you will be apologizing for your behavior up till now immediately”

“Crystal clear mom” Kai said turning to me Jessie and Riley. “I am sorry I hurt you” he said to me. “And I’m sorry I threatened to kill you” he added to Jessie. “And I have no idea who you are”

“Oh I almost forgot” Arabella said. “Kai I believe it’s time I introduced my companions”

“Among other things” Kai muttered.

“What was that” Arabella said.

“Nothing!” Kai said quickly. 

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