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The kiss was over quickly. Jessie jumped back almost immediately as if I had burned him. 

“Sorry” he said. “I didn’t mean to just jump you like that”

“Um it’s fine” I mumbled. “Can I ask you something?”


“Why exactly did you just kiss me?” I asked my surprise evident in my voice.

“Because I like you” Jessie said. “And I didn’t know how to tell you so I figured that would probably get the point across.”

“Oh ok well I… I like you too Jessie really I do but…” I said.

“But what?” Jessie asked.

“Well” I said. “I like you but why don’t we try being friends first”

“Friends?” Jessie asked looking hurt. “You just want to be friends”

“For now I mean for all you know you may not even be able to stand me after spending some time with me let’s just get to know each other a bit ok” I said quickly trying to calm him down. Just then Karina knocked on my door and stepped into the room.

“Am I interrupting something here?” She asked when she saw the look on Jessie’s face. If vampires could blush Jessie would have been and Karina noticed this immediately. “I am aren’t I” she gasped. “What have you two been up to in here” I wasn’t sure how to answer her since I didn’t want to upset Jessie so I just changed the subject.
“So when are we leaving to retrieve your future husband?” I asked teasingly.

“Hey I don’t know if I’m marrying him I’m just going to meet the guy” Karina said. “I don’t know if I could handle you as a brother anyway you’re bad enough as a roommate.”

“What my brother not good enough for you human?” I joked.

“Oh shut up” Karina said smacking my arm. “You don’t know him either”

“Hey no hitting” I whined trying to annoy her. “Mom! Karina hit me!”

“Will you shut it already” Karina said. “Do you want your mother to kill me?”

“Oh fine but seriously when are we leaving” I asked.

“We leave first thing tomorrow and Jessie will be coming with us so I suggest you guys pack some clothes. We’ll stop and get some camping gear on the way to the mountains.” Karina replied.  She left then and I went to my closet to start packing. I packed two bags though since Jessie didn’t really have anything to take.

“Here” I said handing him the extra bag. “You can borrow these for the trip.”
“Thanks” he said not looking at me.

“Jessie” I said. “Are you going to be all awkward around me from now on or something cause I don’t think I could take that. I hate it when people ignore me or treat me differently.”

“No, that wouldn’t be fair to do that” he said. “I did kinda just attack you out of nowhere” he added.

We went to bed soon after that Jessie slept in the guest room right next to mine and Karina’s.   


When I woke up the next morning I was both excited and nervous. I was excited because I was getting a much needed vacation without my parents but nervous because this was in reality a secret mission to find the vampire who very well may end up being my husband.  I gathered my things and took them out to my car where Jessie, Riley, and Arabella were waiting to load their stuff as well.

“You ready for this” Arabella asked as I walked up to them.

“I guess I have to be” I said. “I’m not too worried though I mean you did have a whole 100 years with him so I’m hoping that considering you’re his mom he won’t be a total jerk”

“If he is I’ll fix that problem immediately” Riley said.

“Aw are you being protective” I teased. “I don’t know if your mom will like you beating up her first born”

“If he is unpleasant to you in any way I’ll be helping Riley” Arabella interrupted.  “Now why don’t we stop talking and get this show on the road”


I returned to the castle the morning after Jessie was taken there. When I got there I hid in a tree near the front gate so that I could see the entrance to the castle. I wanted to check on Jessie and I was trying to figure out which part of the castle to check first. Then I saw movement at the entrance to the garage. Jessie was there with the princess and two other slaves putting bags in a car. I listened to their conversation carefully.

“Jessie, Riley you two ride in the back, and Arabella you can drive since you know the way to the mountains. We should get there by nightfall right?” the princess said. I couldn’t believe my ears. They were taking Jessie on a trip to the mountains probably to do who knows what to him. I made up my mind then and there to follow them and rescue him.

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