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I stood frozen in place by the obvious threat. Based on the fact that he was both healthy and not afraid to threaten me I figured I had just found the vampire I was supposed to marry.

“Get your hand off of me” I warned. Having spent the past few months with Riley I had pick up a few ways to make a vampire back down. I knew for a fact that if I could get a good kick to his shin he would be down. I’d had to get Riley like that quite a few times when he figured out that I was ticklish like he was.

“And what are you going to do to make me?” the vampire I assumed was Kai asked. “You are nothing but a weak spoiled human. You have no power over me” I saw my chance and took it. I delivered a swift kick to his shin after which he released me grabbing his leg in pain. I made a run for it but he was in front of me faster than I could get away. “Not smart” he hissed at me. He grabbed my arms and turned me around gripping both my wrists in one hand behind me as he marched me farther into the mountains.


I thought about following Karina but I was also too scared of upsetting Riley to do it. I had decided to stay at the tent and wait for her like she said too until I picked up an unfamiliar scent. I knew it was a vampire but it wasn’t Arabella or Riley so I figured it might be Riley’s brother Kai. I was going to get the cell phone from the tent and call Riley when I realized that there was a human scent mixed with that of the vampire. It was Karina’s.

“crap now I gotta go get her” I muttered. I ran as fast as I could toward the scent and skidded to a halt when I came across an old game trail. The scent followed the trail into the mountains so I started tracking them and within a few minutes I had caught up. Karina was being held by a tall muscular guy and he didn’t seem happy.

“Hey let her go!” I said. I  admit my rescue plan wasn’t really a plan so much as an idea but I had to try to help her. The vampire turned to face me.

“Why should I?” he said. “If she wanted to be left alone she would have stayed on the trail.”

“Just let her go dude” I said. “What’s it to you if some human got lost why don’t you stop being a creep and back off”

“What was that you insolent little twerp!?” he said suddenly furious. “do you have any idea who you are talking to?”

 “I think I’m talking to the jerk who’s trying to kidnap my friend” I said sounding braver than I felt. I was sure I was shaking like a leaf.

“Of course you wouldn’t know” he said almost like he thought it was funny. “You’re just a child you can’t be more than 110” While he was talking I edged toward him and I was only standing a few feet away from Karina now. “I suppose I’ll just have to kill you to keep you from getting in my way but just so you know who you are speaking to my name is Kai and I am the future king of our kind”  I had figured as much but I hadn’t figured on him trying to kill me so when he knocked Karina out and started advancing on me I panicked. I wasn’t fast enough to get Karina and bail without getting caught so my only choice was to fight him.

“I’ll make it quick I promise kid” Kai said smirking at me. All I could think about was how much I wished Riley was here to help me so it caught me off guard entirely when I scented both him and Arabella headed our way at top speed.


I had been almost halfway back to the meeting place when I felt it. Jessie was in danger and very scared. It was something only mates could do, sensing each other’s fear when they were in danger. I whistled and made a beeline for the meeting place. I met my mother and she knew something was up when she saw my face.

“Jessie’s in trouble which means odds are so is Karina” I said.

“Wait how do you know” my mom said disbelief obvious in her tone.

“I think Jessie and I are mates but that’s not the point he’s in trouble and very scared. Mom he’s too young to win a fight on his own we have to go now” I said explaining quickly. She nodded and we took off at top speed towards Jessie’s scent. When we got to him he was backed up to a cliff with a strong looking vampire moving toward him. In a flash I grabbed Jessie and pulled him from the cliff moving behind the vampire and holding him in a tight hug as he clung to me obviously glad to be rescued.

“I think I found your brother” Jessie said breathlessly.

“Kai I know I did not just see you about to kill that child” my mother said clearly going into mom mode.

“You might want to start apologizing bro” I said jokingly. “Or mom’s gonna kick your butt”

“No way” Kai said looking stunned. “Mom?!”

Impossible DreamsOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora