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‘oh so this is how they operate’ I thought to myself. ‘mind games, she’s going to make me think she wants to be nice and then go all psycho on me’ well she has another think coming cause I don’t believe this act for a minute.

“yeah sure” I said out loud and curled into my usual ball. I didn’t move till the car came to a stop. I peeked out to see her exiting the car.

“well if you don’t get up you’re going to end up spending the night in the car and that would kinda suck” she said as she waited by the door of the limo. I slowly got up and looked at the ground as I stepped out of the car. I was being careful not to anger her because I figured my smart mouth had probably gotten me in enough trouble already. I waited for a collar to be put around my neck and a leash attached to it but nothing happened. Curiosity got the better of me and I looked up to see her staring at me like I was crazy or something.

“what are you waiting for” she asked. “and I want an answer so don’t curl up in a ball again cause you’re a bit big for me to carry inside” she added trying to look stern but her eyes gave away how much my fear amused her.

“I was just waiting for you to put on my new collar and leash” I said looking back down at my feet. I had no shoes on because my old master didn’t allow them.  “all vampires get one when they arrive at their new master’s home. Or at least that’s what I was told at the auction house”

“oh for crying out loud don’t you get it I’m not going to treat you like a dog alright why do you think the chains are gone” she shouted at me.

“I … I’m sorry I didn’t meant to make you mad I didn’t know! I’m sorry !” I stammered resisting the urge to cry. “please don’t hurt me I know I’m a smart aleck all the time but I swear I don’t mean to be”

“calm down” she said less angry this time. “I’m not angry I just wish I could make you understand that I’m a nice person” She took a step forward and grabbed me by the hand. This startled me but I didn’t resist her.

“we’re going to my room to get you settled in” she said. “and then I will take you to meet my parents”  I stopped dead at her words and started shaking uncontrollably. “what did I do now?” she looked confused.

“not you your parents.” I said my voice barely a whisper.

“I won’t let them touch you” she said confidently. “they know my opinion about slavery and they won’t test me knowing that I’ll one day have the power to see them arrested.”

“yeah right how can I rely on you to protect me when you’re just the same as they are” I practically growled at her then I remembered who I was talking to. “oh geez I’m sorry  I forgot my place please don’t kill me” I added quickly.  When I looked she was doubled over with her arms wrapped around herself. “um are you ok ?” I asked then I realized that she was laughing at me I mean like literally laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes.

“what’s so funny” I grumbled hoping she didn’t hear me. She did of course but you can’t blame me for hoping.

“y… you are!” she gasped between fits of laughing. “you speak your mind fearlessly and then realize that you said it a moment later and assume you’ll be killed for it. It’s really funny because honestly you’re more likely to be killed by a bunny than me” she burst out laughing again.

“please don’t mention animals” I whispered. My throat was on fire at the mere mention of food.

“why” she asked genuinely puzzled, which shocked me since a royal of all people should know the basics at least.

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