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When I entered the auction room behind the clerk everything went quiet. The people there all knew who I was. ‘Great’ I thought to myself, ‘now I’m going to have to at least bid on someone’. After all it just wouldn’t look right if the princess went to an auction and didn’t buy anything. ‘Maybe I could just say that none of them interested me’. Just then the auction began and the first vampire was roughly dragged on to the stage. ‘let the torture begin’ I groaned inwardly.


I sat in the filth of the holding area with six other vampires. All of us looked relatively young so this must be a special auction for the wealthy. The humans recorded every detail of our appearance. I chained to the wall as they wrote down my weight and height, which is six foot even, they even recorded the exact shade of my ice blue eyes and jet black hair.

 “you’ll be up third” the guard said. “don’t fight it’ll only get you killed”. I didn’t look at him as he walked away. Something was different this time. I could tell, the last time I was here there was a lot of noise, but right now I couldn’t hear anything.  The first to go was a girl who looked like a 12 year old human. She wept as she was dragged out of the room and I knew she was scared. I was too, heck I was about to cry myself. That’s when the auctioneer said the most terrifying thing I have ever heard.

“the princess has decided not to bid on this one, so let’s get started” the auctioneers voice boomed in the silence. ‘Oh. My. God. The freaking princess is here?! Great just great now im really in trouble’ I thought panicking. I started to shake as the terror gripped me. Everyone knew that the royal family was the cruelest of them all. There used to be some ridiculous rumor that the princess was different, kinder, but I never believed it. After the girl was sold a guy about my age was taken out and once again the princess chose not to bid.  ‘oh crap’ I thought ‘im next what if she picks me’. I stood as the guard approached and went quietly toward the stage with him like a good little slave was meant to. As I climbed up to the stage I tripped on the last step. I fell flat on my face and was dragged by the chains attached to my wrists the rest of the way to my place in the middle of the platform.

Pushing myself up off the floor and glanced towards the crowd. My eyes met with a pair of emerald green ones and I froze. I knew by the way she looked at me that this was the princess.  I was going to look down, honest, but I couldn’t seem to do it I knew I would pay for this but her eyes held me, and as I lay there on the ground shaking and bruised I watched helplessly as one of the most feared people in existence raised her hand to bid on me. That’s when the guard kicked me and I blacked out…


The first two slaves were nothing special just your ordinary vampires. The poor things were so young, and they were covered in bruises. I knew I couldn’t help them now so I just shook my head at the auctioneer. I took notes on who bought them though so that they could be among the first I freed as queen. He continued the auction and called out a third slave. The name he said was Riley. I was about to dismiss this one as well when there was a commotion at the back of the stage. A boy lay on the ground having apparently tripped as he came up the stairs. I could tell by how pale he was that he was a vampire. The guard looked furious as he grabbed the chains around the boy’s wrists and drug him roughly to the middle of the platform. I was about to say something about this when he looked up and met my eyes with his ice blue ones. He looked petrified, and I felt bad. I could tell he recognized me as a royal and he knew my family’s reputation of cruelty. Without hesitation I raised my hand and looked at the auctioneer with determination.

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