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When Karina left to go meet with her parents I went to find Jessie. He was standing by the drink table looking confused.

“What was that all about” Jessie asked as I approached him.

“Oh that” I said. “That was Karina’s mom. Totally evil, mildly psychotic and not someone you want to tick off”

“Oh” he said. “So what do we do now where did Karina go?”

“She went to meet her parents in their office” I said. “We are going to go to my room where we will wait until Karina comes back.”

“Why your room”

“Well if you’re going to be bunking with me for the next week or so then I may as well show you where you’ll be sleeping” I said.  “Besides it’s not like there’s anything fun to do down here anyway now that everyone’s gone” I added leading him upstairs to the room I shared with Karina. When we got to my room I turned to see him fidgeting nervously. “What’s the matter with you” I asked

“N… nothing” he said.

“Bull” I said. “Now why do you look like you think someone’s about to hit you?”

“I was just wondering if… if this means that I was right and my mistress really did sell me to Karina” Jessie said.

“No you’re just staying here for a week so you can get used to living with an abolitionist is all” I said. “Want to play some video games I have all the good ones, assassin’s creed, left for dead, halo…” 

“Um I’ve never really played video games before” Jessie said. “What would you suggest?”

“Wow really? Well then I guess we better start simple how about some Mario Cart it’s pretty easy” I said putting in the game. “I can’t believe you’ve never played a video game”

“Well I haven’t exactly had the chance to” Jessie said. “I’ve been living in basements for most of my life”

“So have I” I said. “But at least four of my previous masters were sore losers whose friends wouldn’t play with them so I ended up having to purposely lose but at least I got to play” I explained.

“I wasn’t so lucky” Jessie said. “None of my masters were into video games so I just spent each day hoping I wouldn’t get beaten” he looked embarrassed to be talking about it so I decided to change the subject.

“I don’t really have a couch or anything so me and Josh usually just play from the bed” I said. “Get comfortable and grab a controller” at his wary look I added “Oh come on I don’t bite”

“I know that” Jessie said sitting next to me on the bed. “so how do you play?”  He asked eyeing the controller. I showed him how to play the game and once we got started we didn’t even notice the time passing until I heard Karina running up the stairs and slamming her door. “What was that about” Jessie said looking towards the door.

“I don’t know” I answered. “You keep playing and I’ll go check on her”  I added putting down my controller and hopping off of the bed. I went into Karina’s room and found her having a meltdown. She was crying and pacing and mumbling something about not letting her parents keep the throne. “Karina…. Karina stop” I said putting my hands on her shoulders to stop her. “Look at me and tell me what’s wrong what did your parents say that made you this upset”


I looked up to see Riley staring at me with concern. He seemed so worried but I just couldn’t tell him what my parents had just told me. “I … It’s nothing Riley” I said. “I’m just a little overwhelmed with the idea that I have to get married within a year”

“I know you’re lying Karina but I won’t push you” he said. “can you at least tell me something”

“Riley how am I supposed to find a husband who is against slavery like me” I said. “I’ve met most of the provincial princes and they all support the practice entirely. I’m sure the ones I haven’t met are just the same as they are” I added.

“Actually” Arabella said coming into the room. “I may be able to help with that”

“How?” I asked sitting on my bed. “How can you possibly help?”

“Well” she said. “Does the law state that it has to be a human prince that you choose?”

“No but...” I started.

“Just listen” Arabella said. “I haven’t told anyone this because I was afraid of what they might do to Riley and I. But I think now might be a good time to tell you a little bit about Riley’s heritage” 

A/N pic is Jessie

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