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As time passed I found myself becoming used to life at the castle. I became good friends with Karina, and was officially a member of her group of friends at school after my first week. Looking in the mirror in my room four months later on the last day of school I looked totally different. My hair was no longer tangled and filthy, it was styled neatly and my clothes were essentially the same style as everyone else in the group wore. I had on black jeans and a band t-shirt and had wrist bands on both arms. I was well fed and nowhere near as weak as I had been when I arrived in the castle.

“Come on Riley it’s time to go” Karina said standing in the doorway. “You wanna drive today?” she added. Karina had let me do a lot of things that I had never done before since I got here. Cooking was one, and driving was by far the scariest at first. I had been driving us to school every other day for two months now, and I loved it.

“Yeah sure I’ll drive” I said. “Race you down stairs” I challenged. Just then my mom popped up behind Karina.

“Oh no you don’t” she said. “Either one of you could get hurt doing that. What if you tripped?”

“Aw come on Arabella” Karina whined. “You’ve been overprotective of us both since he got here. You used to be so much fun what happened?” she teased.

“My kid showed up and you gave him all of your bad habits” my mom said jokingly. “Him I will not have showing up with purple hair.”

“Hate to interrupt” Josh said poking his head into the room. “But my friends and I kinda need to get going before we are late.” He was down the stairs by the time we left the room tapping his foot impatiently at us. For a human the guy moved fast especially considering the fact that he had just spent the whole night up playing video games with me.


Riley beat me down the stairs as usual. He took them three at a time running despite Arabella’s warning as usual, and reached Josh just before I did.

“Would you guys mind keeping it down next time” I said. “I couldn’t sleep at all last night thanks to you two screaming about zombies”

“That was not our fault” Riley said. “Left for dead is an intense game”

“Yeah sure just pipe down next time or it might turn up broken beyond repair” I warned.

“Is she always this crabby in the mornings” Josh asked Riley.

“Only when I keep her up with whatever game I’m playing” he replied. We bickered like that the whole way to school while Riley drove.

“Uh oh I think we’re in trouble” Riley said pointing to Izzy, Sue, Sam, and Chris advancing towards the car.
“Riley what did you forget this time” I asked knowing it was probably him they were after.

“Yeah there’s no we to it man that’s all you” Josh chimed in. Riley parked the car and got out with me and Josh right behind him.

“Riley!” Izzy said.

“Called it” I whispered to Josh.

 “I heard that Karina, and what did I do now Izzy” Riley said.

“Since you clearly forgot” Izzy said fuming. “I feel that I must remind you that our end of the year party is tonight at the castle. And YOU forgot to meet us last night to set up the ball room!” she added. “The guards nearly threw us in the dungeon for trespassing on royal land! It’s just a good thing your mom remembered and told them we were with Karina before they could.”

“Oh” Riley said. “Sorry about that”

“Riley I swear your memory just gets worse and worse” Chris said. “What were you doing anyway?”

“That would be my fault” Josh said. “Impromptu game night my bad didn’t know he had plans”

“So did you get the place ready” I asked.

“Yeah” Izzy said. “It’s ready, and we made sure the invites said it was a casual party so you don’t have to wear a dress Karina”

“Did I mention how awesome you are for that” I said.

“Wouldn’t kill you to say more often but yes” Izzy said. “Come on you guys have to get to gym” she added as we hurried toward the school.


I got lectured the whole hour while we waited for Karina and the others to get out of gym. The end of the year party was a big thing for everyone and I had forgotten to help with the most important part.  I deserved the lecture but I still didn’t like it.

“Ok I messed up” I said. “I get it you can stop now I said I was sorry”

“It wouldn’t be so bad any other year” Sam said. “But this year is supposed to be a big blowout celebrating them being officially seniors since the little brainiacs all skipped a grade”

“Yeah we’re celebrating the fact that we’re all nerds” Mike said walking over to us.

“Oh shut up you’re not helping” I said. “If you need something useful to do why don’t you go make Karina hurry up so we can get this day over with and go to the party”

“What was that slow poke” Karina asked coming up beside Mike. “Need I remind you I am not the one who takes an hour to get ready in the mornings?”

“Seriously an hour?” Josh said walking over. “Dude what the heck could possibly take you an hour to do every morning”

“Easy the extra 50 minutes of sleep I get when she isn’t paying attention that I now probably won’t get because you had to open your big mouth” I said. “Hey Karina why don’t we just skip the day and go put the final touches on the ball room?”

“Sounds like a good idea” she said. “Let’s go, you guys wanna come too” she added talking to the others. They all agreed so we headed to the castle to prepare for the party.

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