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I was surprised Karina and my mom agreed to make camp but I was also glad for Jessie’s sake that we wouldn’t be traveling in the dark. I could feel the fear pouring from him as the trail was slowly engulfed in shadows.

“Ok the guys get the room on the left and the girls take the room on the right and the middle can be where the supplies are stored” Karina said. “That ok with everyone?”

“Yeah that’s fine” I said. I was kinda glad I would be sharing a room with Jessie so if he got freaked out during the night he wouldn’t be alone. We set up the tent quickly and set up the sleeping bags in the two side rooms leaving the lanterns and the stuff for Karina’s breakfast in the central room. I led Jessie to our room while my mom made Arabella some breakfast and checked the area for any stray wildlife that might cause problems. We had the room that was facing away from the wall of rock that was behind the tent which was good because if something were to try to get in me and Jessie could take it out. I sat down on the sleeping bag and pulled off my shoes so that I could be more comfortable and Jessie watched as I lay back across the soft material.

“What?” I asked when he kept staring at me.

“Nothing” he said after a minute. “I was just wondering if I could keep one of the lanterns going through the night so it wouldn’t be so dark in here”

“I have a better idea” I said. “Come over here” he did as I asked and sat down beside me. “You want to be able to sleep right?” I asked.

“Yeah but it’s just so dark I don’t know if I could quit being paranoid long enough to get some sleep” Jessie fretted.

“Just lay down and close your eyes.” I said. “Trust me I won’t let anything happen to you.”

“Aren’t you going to sleep?” he asked.

“Yes but don’t worry about that just know that nothing is going to touch you ok” I said. He lay back and closed his eyes but his breathing never evened out so I knew he wasn’t actually asleep when I put my arm around his waist and put the other under his head like a pillow (the one thing we forgot at the camping store). He tensed up when I pulled him to me but finally fell asleep. I drifted off too once I knew that he was sleeping soundly.


When I went to wake up the guys the next morning I walked in on what was probably the cutest thing I had ever seen. Jessie and Riley were fast asleep and Riley had a tight grip on Jessie’s waist holding him like a teddy bear while Jessie’s head rested on his arm.

“Awwwww where’s a camera when I need one” I said loudly waking them. Jessie looked extremely embarrassed while Riley was simply very amused. He stifled a laugh as Jessie scooted behind him and tried to hide behind his shoulder.

“What is so cute over here that you freaked out?” Arabella asked poking her head in.

“Nothing” Riley said before I could spill the beans. “Nothing at all mom”

“Sure” she replied. “Don’t worry Karina will tell me later” I laughed when she said that because I knew she was probably right. “Now let’s get moving we need to find Kai today so that we can spend the rest of the week getting Karina to wherever he is hiding.”

“Ok” Riley said. “Jessie you’re ok staying here with Karina right?”

“I’ll be fine” Jessie said.

“Ok, Karina you better not freak him out with your randomness” Riley warned me.

“Yeah yeah whatever you say boss” I said sarcastically.


“Ok you take the north half of the range I’ll take the south” my mom said. “We’ll meet here at noon to switch halves in case either of us misses something. If you find anything whistle I’ll hear it and we will meet back at the tent to get Karina.”

“Sounds good” I said. We split up running in opposite directions to search either side of the mountain range. I started at the opposite end of the range and decided to work my way back toward the meeting place. I figured I could get a pretty thorough search done before noon. I scented the air for any trace of other vampires and came up empty. That far from Karina I knew I would smell anyone in the range so I just had to ignore my mom and Jessie’s scents. When that didn’t work I began to run back and forth across the mountains looking for any sign of hunting activity.


About an hour after Arabella and Riley left Karina started getting antsy. She kept pacing and mumbling about something.

“It’s been too long” She said. “I’m going to go look myself”

“Karina wait” I said worried about how Riley would react if I let Karina get lost out here. “You don’t even know what you’re looking for or where you’re going just let them handle it.”

“No I’m sick of waiting” she said grabbing a hiking pack and walking away. “You stay and watch the stuff and I’ll be back later. Don’t worry I’ll handle Riley if he finds out” She added as though reading my thoughts.

‘this is so not good’ I thought to myself.


I had been hiking for maybe an hour when I started feeling bad about leaving Jessie alone. I knew that whole Zephyr thing had gotten to him and there I was leaving him all alone in the middle of the mountains.  I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going when I felt a rush of air as though something had just passed me on the trail going very fast.

“Well, well what do we have here” Said voice from behind me. “A little lost human who wandered from the trail?” I turned around to run and almost smacked right into the chest of a tall muscular vampire. I mean the guy was buff like body builder buff. “And not just any human but the human princess” He said his eyes shining. “This is just what we’ve been waiting for” he added grabbing my arm. “Move it human you’re coming with me and don’t even think about trying to run I don’t want to have to kill you.”


A/N should I put a picture of Kai up with the next chapter? 


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