Chapter 43 - Teeth, Claw, Swords and Words

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Another time for an update... A few chapters before Book I finally ends. As happy and excited as I am, I am definitely worried because things have become really really busy with my real life right now, and I have yet to even achieve a few chapters in Book 2. I do thank everyone for the support though, and please do share the word! 


            “You two, pull yourself together,” Conrad’s shoulders nudged both Dan and I, standing rooted to the spot. Everyone else was tensed up in action, both faeries and humans in a glaring lockdown. 

“I can’t believe it. Rico. It really is him,” Dan said, his legs pulling him forward mindlessly. With the presence of the Beast, even the toughest of warriors had a bit of a morale breakdown. But like Dan, my mind was somewhere else. Back in the past, back in the prison cell, back when he confessed his love to me over and over again.

            Snap out of it, Rosa! 

            The familiar voice flooded through my head, waking me up back into reality. I shook my head, realizing my own stupidity. This is war, and if I had promised everyone to end the war, being afraid of one battle and one person is a failure itself. I mustn’t break down, at least not in front of my peers. Scrambling to one of my pockets, I took out a spherical object, the light glinting deep blue hues of the ocean. If there was any chance of winning against such a creature with the least casualties, that 

            “Fraënir, please save us just as we had saved you.”

            I clenched the pearl tightly, opening it as blue light emanated. “Stand back!” Conrad shouted, watching as the light slowly materialized into the figure of a massive sapphire dragon. He roared a deafening cry of challenge, and I cannot be more relieved that he was on our side. 

“Thank you,” I whispered softly. His serpentine eyes glanced at me, his maw baring his fangs in a failed attempt of a smile. “I keep my promises, little human Princess. But to kill… I do hope you have good reason.”

“You have to understand, I need you to lift people’s spirits, against the strange beast. I’m not asking you to kill,” I explained calmly. Even by a glance, Arkkadia looked a tad more confident against their fearsome enemy. 

            Fraënir stretched his massive body, Conrad pushing back any soldier out of harm’s way. Only Dan and I stood beside the dragon’s massive tail, unafraid of the creature. “Rosa, Fraënir… But Lenn…” he trailed off, his mind still reeling. 

“Wake up, Dan. He’s our enemy. I will handle him, just go to safety if you’re not ready for this,” I ordered him. The Sabertooth retorted its own roar, followed with the footsteps of a hundred faerie soldiers. They charged towards us, and immediately the plains were filled with the sound of metal, leaving behind an empty plot of land before the giant beasts.

Understanding the sudden look in my eyes, he nodded and shook his head, “You’re right. I’m fine, just surprised. Sorry about that. I’ll watch your back. Get things sorted out,” he cried, defending me against the few faeries brave enough to approach us. So it’s just the two of us again, Lenn… I walked closer, Fraënir unleashing his wings behind me. 

“Wonderful to see you again, Princess Rosalinda,” he greeted with a smile.

“That’s strange, I don’t think I’ve seen you like this before,” I grumbled, watching the curious mask he placed on his face. This was Lenn when he was angry, Lenn when he was ruthless, the man both Dan and I could not read. That makes things… less emotional.

The Kingdom of the Rose: Rise of the Heir [Romance/Fantasy/Adventure]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon