Chapter 2 - Sudden Loss

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Youtube music link for the background music for Celtara's Theme from Faith K-drama OST~!

Lol, for all those Faith K-Drama fans out there. Their kingdom-set songs are just quite perfect.

Play it while reading :)


We landed gently, amidst the empty camp. It was clearly the work of a mage; there was no hint of an actual battle but instead what seemed to be a fire that ravaged the company into bits. The soil was still soft - it was fresh. The fact that there was hardly any smoke was evidence enough that it was all the work of magic. And that simple fact was enough for me to conclude that this was all a faerie’s work..

Magic. The word shook through me in violent anger. These men were honest men, ten thousand soldiers putting their lives on the line to protect their family and their kingdom. And all it took were a few faeries with enough magic to destroy all that they have stood for. They said we Crescerans had absolute magic power, but even my parents were burned off in a snap. I knew deep inside that this wasn't the first kind of magical warfare, and it was probably worse far on the northern lines, but that did not stop the anger, the vengeance, the hatred bubbling within me.

Above all, the simple fact that there was nothing I could do irked me the most; even Wendell could not teach me the secrets of the royal family and their magical powers. All I had was super senses, the ability to hear and see far beyond a normal human. But how can that possibly assist Celtara, when even getting out of the Palace was a difficulty? What I needed was someone to teach me extensive use of magic, something that no human could possibly do, unless if Fëylyn, or my ancestors, were to materialize out of thin air to guide me. It was all just... legends and untapped potential. I was stuck in a desolate position, with power but no control.

Athlea nudged my shoulder, and I realized how my feelings were affecting her mood as well. I smiled reassuringly at her, patting her back before exploring the destruction. The air stunk of burnt flesh, and the only comfort I can find was the fact that their deaths were quick. No moans, no broken legs, but just a silence drift to the afterworld. A thought shook my head, but I chose to ignore it. Don’t even think about that, Rosa, I thought to myself.

"Rico..." I called out softly. “Rico! Where are you?” The now half-burnt area of the forest remained in quietude, ignoring my words. "Richard!" I cried out, now my breathing in shallow gasps as I trudged across the dead bodies, desperate for some kind of response. My senses picked up a slight moan, and I followed the sound. Please, let him be alive. Please, please, please, grant me the power to heal him...

I walked past the burnt tent stakes, the weapons and armor. Thunder roared with a strong gust of wind. I chuckled to myself in irony. Perhaps I've finally mastered the art of predicting the weather. I could still hear the tiny gurgling sounds although they were now barely audible. Althea followed me closely; her head drooped in sadness with the darkness that is slowly consuming my heart.

It came from a man in a clearing, his head down on the ground. Thank Eduardo for training my fit enough to turn such bulk around. It was definitely not Rico, but one survivor meant that there could be more. "There, there, slowly… What happened?" I tried to suppress the questions I wanted to bombard him with and instead pressed onto the huge wound on his stomach, tearing straps of my white shirt around the burn. It was too severe; deep down I knew he would only have naught but a few hours, if he had not spent them already.

"Th-th...ey... came... burn...ed... Rich... ard...'s gone." with a few breaths he vomited blood. His black pupils looked into my eyes, the depths filled with the last spark of life and recognition. Then the two dots drifted away and his body stayed still, lifeless. I closed his eyes, tears dripping down my cheeks. It was my fault. If I were stronger, if I had actually tried to play a part in the war and acted as their leader, perhaps... perhaps things could've been different. I shouldn't be crying. I didn't have the right to cry - they were trying to protect their kingdom, following their orders. And yet.... I couldn't even remember his name. It was selfish of me; so many times these incidents could have happened and only now because of Rico did I actually visit and truly comprehend the deadly plague known as warWar, war, war.

The Kingdom of the Rose: Rise of the Heir [Romance/Fantasy/Adventure]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum