Chapter 19 - Conrad

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A tiny little celebration before my birthday tomorrow :) More of Conrad!

I've decided to make a supplementary book for the Kingdom of the Rose Trilogy, "The Queen's Recollection". 

It's a collection of poems based from Queen Fiatta's (Rosalinda's mom) foreseeing powers.


As always, love you guys! Vote, comment, and follow :D


          Within two days, I could begin walking and eating normally again. I have never felt so pampered, even during my life as a Princess in the palace. One word and someone’s arm would be there to lend me a hand, and within two minutes a warm dish would be right in front of me. After saving their village from destruction, the villagers were very much grateful about it. A lot of them came by to visit me, even bringing in some mountain flowers and drinks (much to Conrad’s chastising). The only problem I had was with cleaning myself; but even Franciss came and helped me.

        “Ho, the mighty warrior turns out to be a spoiled princess, and our captain is turning into a wonderful housewife,” Marvin had sneered when he saw Conrad busy cooking and Franciss looking over my wounds like a proper doctor. I shook my head indignantly, unhappy with his description. I hate being called a spoiled brat. He shook with laughter, before joining the other men on the dinner table.

      “Just leave her alone, you ruffians, and get ready,” Franciss muttered, checking the steady pulse on my right arm. “Heh, we’re just jealous. Maybe you can treat us that well too sometimes, Franciss,” they laughed loudly, taking another swag of drink. “If you’re here just to do a last-minute party, just get out,” Conrad grumbled with distaste. “Aww, Princess. Did you hear that? We’re being kicked out even though we’re here because we’re worried about you,” they protested. “All right, if you give me a taste of beer, I’ll let you guys stay for a while,” I grinned wildly. “That’s my girl!” Marvin stood, receiving standing ovation from the other guys. Conrad looked at them, slowly, calmly. His golden eyes were staring at them with cold intensity. And within a few minutes, without a single word, they were out. “How boring,” I stated dryly as he closed the door. “In another year, when you’re 18,” he stated as-a-matter-of-factly. “It’s not that long away,” I sighed.

      Franciss was actually a healer-in-training, often reading books on her end while she was a young girl, according to Conrad. She came by often to give me a set of disgusting herbs and ointments. She had recovered from her crush pretty quickly, often telling me embarrassing stories about the villagers. She was like Dan to Conrad as Dan was to me. The best of buddies. Just like how Dan quickly took a fondness to Conrad, the red-head was soon a part of my big family.

      But there was no time to dwell in the past, or even the present. My times at Dedraun were a gift, but today is the day. The day we return – but to return home, or to the depths of hell?

       “More lemon thyme, some more peppermint, ginger and chamomile for your digestives, sage and cinnamon…” she blabbered on and on, reciting a mental list of the tiny bottles from her bag. “Ugh,” I muttered. “You picky little nitwit,” Conrad grumbled. He took it upon himself to mix these herbs into my food, although I pleaded he wouldn’t. Even his extraordinary cooking skills can’t keep the flavors away. Dan chuckled at the edge, knowing fully well how Eduardo had once forced him to eat a series of potions when a snake once bit him.

The Kingdom of the Rose: Rise of the Heir [Romance/Fantasy/Adventure]Where stories live. Discover now